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Newbie V6 owner

  RenaultSport clio V6 255
Hi Everyone,

I've been silently visiting the site for some time and, thanks to the information and opinions i've picked up on here, i have just decided to part with my hard-earned on a mint low mileage '04 Illiad V6 255. So i thought i should show my face and say thanks!:D

The car is awesome and i can't believe the noise it makes - i was sitting there on the test run blipping the throttle everytime we came to a halt and nailing it evertime we set off! Fantastic. I can see fuel costs are going to stack up with the new toy. I can't believe how differently people treat you in at as well; bezzing around West London, cabbies, white van drivers and BMW's were all letting me in and grinning at me! I think i'm gonna enjoy this car!:)

I was wondering if you could help me out with a couple of things though:

Does anybody know of a decent Renault dealer in the North West London / Buckinghamshire area with experience of servicing the vees?

And, despite being in mint condition, there is one small kurb mark on the front passenger wheel to deal with - can anybody recommend a company who could do an invisiable job repairing it? Are chipsaway any good at wheels?

Hope to see you at a meet soon.

Thanks, Andy.
  RenaultSport clio V6 255

Here's one the dealer took (hope this works!). It needs a bit of a polish to get the London grime off it, then a coat of Zymol - so i'll post some more pics after an inaugral run up to Yorkshire for the weekend! Cross country of course! :evil:
  Clio v6
Andy's Ruin said:
I can't believe how differently people treat you in at as well; bezzing around West London, cabbies, white van drivers and BMW's were all letting me in and grinning at me! I think i'm gonna enjoy this car!:)

Yes it is a strange experience. :)

  MK2 Clio V6 255
Welcome mate hope you enjoy this place.

If you havnt all ready been over pop on to

Theres loads of owners on there with lots of freindly and helpful advice;)

® Andy

ClioSport Club Member
  Illiad V6 255
What can I say ... the best car ... in the best colour ... and even the best name too :D. Welcome :D.
  RenaultSport clio V6 255
Thanks everybody - nice to feel welcome!:approve:

Any thoughts on good London / Bucks Renault dealers?
  MK2 P1 1.4S
Hawt!11 I'll swap you my car and the contents of my pockets. You never know, I could just have gold bullion in my pocket. :rasp:
