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Newbie with a broken ph1 172!

  williams 2, ph1 172.
Evening and Hi to all,

I picked up a phase 1 172 the other week for a bargain price. Thing is it's turned out to be not such a bargain. The engine suffered a major failure the other night, which is still unproven but suspected pulley slip or dephaser failure. Cambelt was changed 600 miles/2 years ago. Car has been off the road since and ive done most of that 600 miles in the couple of weeks ive had it. Probably should have seen mass failure coming due to what i paid for it but hey ho im still gona have some fun.

In a nut shell its not drivable now and sounds like a tank, not a bad start to 172 ownership:p

Anyway im gona be posting up quite a bit as i want to sort this one out as its a mint car and i kinda liked it. A low millage engine and some ph1 172 knowledge will be needed:cool:
  williams 2, ph1 172.
Seems im in the best place here just read loads of stuff i should have read before buying the car.

Id rather stick a nice engine in than break it tbh, im in no real rush to get it going again and fancy a new side project They do break well thow i must admit. Ive just broke too many cars in the last year so thought i would fix one for once..
