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Nokia Phones

  ITB BG 182
Well ive currently got the nokia 6280 an only just now am i starting to have some major problems with the phone ie camera crashing an the phone not being able to be turnd on or off most of the time.
So im after a new phone but whats one of the best togo for up to date kind of thing.
Ive been looking at the 6800 Luna phone that looks nice, the fun packd but short life N95 or the weird an strange to me E65.
So does anyone have an opion of these phones or one of the other Nokia phones.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
just do the firmware pal. as on most phones, the latest one usually sorts little bugs and problems out!
  Mondeo ST220
can't comment on the others but i have a N95 and i'm really happy with it. had an N80 before which crashed all the time etc but not had a problem with the N95 yet.
