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Normal Internet usage


ClioSport Club Member
Looking at changing ISP as we're with Talk Talk and it is horrificly bad. It's cheap, but I'm sick and tired of it fcuking up, so thinking of moving.

My question:

What is standard usage for say, email and general browsing, odd bit of downloading and streaming via youtube / iplayer.

I know it is a bit of a difficult one without knowing exactly, but any rough ideas on how much this will use.

More than 10GB?

I'm a complete techno n00b, so don't take the p1ss too much.
Same situation mate, its ridiculously slow since the change over from tiscali,

Were tempting to go with Sky, but since we have phone bill + internet from talktalk mum doesnt want to change,


ClioSport Club Member
Just signed up with BT.

We would have needed a BT line anyway, so that was gonna be £12 p/month, think it's £19 p/month for the 1st 3 months and £25 there after all in.

Only 10GB usage, but with not really down loading anything massive other than the odd few albums from iTunes, it shouldn't be an issue. Hopefully anyway.

And hopefully it will be reliable as this is sh1te at the minute.


ClioSport Club Member
I'm on BT, have been for years. Have a wireless netgear router permanently connected and never switched off. We've never been without service, and the speed is constant.

A1 service really, but then I expect that for the price tbh.


ClioSport Club Member
Hopefully will be alright.

Talk Talk have been awful at the minute, it's dropping connection every 20 minutes or so.

One big thing that made us go with BT was free to call 0845 and 0870, I'm spending about £15 a month on my mobile at the minute to get a seperate issue solved.


ClioSport Club Member
£80 quidco as well, so the change has paid for itself for 9 months.

Fingers crossed they get all the codes and what have you sorted now and it all goes without incident. I'm sure it won't.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Mines only a 5gb limit, uped to 10gb and usually use about 6gb, plays lots of COD to.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
I'm with talk talk andused to have that issue. They advised me to change the wireless channel and oddly it worked. Something to do with so many people with talk talk using the same channel. Anyway. I'm not impressed with their service but at least it doesn't drop out every 20 minutes.
  Go cry to your momma!
it's hard to find a provider to take you when you're completely unbundled in the exchange, you can't get a mac when you're in that situation.

We recently made the move from tiscali to and things are good - even the call clarity is better! (back on BT routing)

It did take around a month for them to take over our line though..
  ph2 iceburg 172
Just signed up with BT.

We would have needed a BT line anyway, so that was gonna be £12 p/month, think it's £19 p/month for the 1st 3 months and £25 there after all in.

Only 10GB usage, but with not really down loading anything massive other than the odd few albums from iTunes, it shouldn't be an issue. Hopefully anyway.

And hopefully it will be reliable as this is sh1te at the minute.

i work for bt. the opt 1 with the 10gb usage should be more than enough for you. the questions i would normally ask a customer to get an idea of which package would be best
1- how many people will be uing the internet in the house? anything under 4/5ish opt 1 should be sufficent
2. do u do any downloading or online gaming?as you have said its just abit of music downloads, with the option 1 you can probs get away with up t 500-1000 songs or 8ish movies so its loads. bt will also contact you if you reach 80% then again at 100% and only if you continue over that you will be charged
3 how many hours a day would you use the broadband? again with opt 1 you would have to surf for 8+ hours everyday to have a chance of running up the limit

so basically the option one is gunna be more than enough for you, worst comes to worst you can upgrade free of charge if you find if its not enough

one thing to watch (loads o people get caught out by it) is watch films, iplayer ect online, it does use your usage fairly quickly, with opt 1 i would recommned over 6-8 hours a week.
and if you are looking to change contact your current supplier and request your mac code, ths allows you to change over with very little disruption in service and with out it can really mess up your service. they will probs take a few days to produce it then give it to the bt person and they will bash an order through from there
anymore questions just ask
this is my usage this month
Peak usage: 6.14GB 4pm - Midnight
Off-peak usage: 96.99GB Midnight - 4pm

Total usage: 103.13GB


ClioSport Club Member
i work for bt. the opt 1 with the 10gb usage should be more than enough for you. the questions i would normally ask a customer to get an idea of which package would be best
1- how many people will be uing the internet in the house? anything under 4/5ish opt 1 should be sufficent
2. do u do any downloading or online gaming?as you have said its just abit of music downloads, with the option 1 you can probs get away with up t 500-1000 songs or 8ish movies so its loads. bt will also contact you if you reach 80% then again at 100% and only if you continue over that you will be charged
3 how many hours a day would you use the broadband? again with opt 1 you would have to surf for 8+ hours everyday to have a chance of running up the limit

so basically the option one is gunna be more than enough for you, worst comes to worst you can upgrade free of charge if you find if its not enough

one thing to watch (loads o people get caught out by it) is watch films, iplayer ect online, it does use your usage fairly quickly, with opt 1 i would recommned over 6-8 hours a week.
and if you are looking to change contact your current supplier and request your mac code, ths allows you to change over with very little disruption in service and with out it can really mess up your service. they will probs take a few days to produce it then give it to the bt person and they will bash an order through from there
anymore questions just ask

Cheers mate.

I'm a bit p1ssed off actually.

For some reason the order 'failed' when we did it on-line through Quidco. No one could give us an explanation as to why it failed, so someone set it up again, but we've lost the £80 through Quidco (presumably?).

Did the order on-line and it didn't mention Mac codes - Will get a letter sent off to Talk Talk and hopefully get that sorted as well.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
My usage is around 300-500GB/month. Virgin 50mbit FTMFW !

how the f**k do you keep up storage with that amount, i download everything i could possibly want and come in around same as mcbunny. i'm strugglying with 6tb because i keep what i like and delete what i don't. but 300-500 is ridiculous
Cheers mate.

I'm a bit p1ssed off actually.

For some reason the order 'failed' when we did it on-line through Quidco. No one could give us an explanation as to why it failed, so someone set it up again, but we've lost the £80 through Quidco (presumably?).

Did the order on-line and it didn't mention Mac codes - Will get a letter sent off to Talk Talk and hopefully get that sorted as well.

You can 'raise a ticket' on the Quidco thing. They'll know you did it through them and give them an order number or something and you might still get it.

We have BT at work. Used 5GB last month. That's 3 PCs on pretty much constantly. Mainly email/web etc. Then me with youtube/spotify.

I wouldn't think 10GB would last that long at home..


ClioSport Club Member
You can 'raise a ticket' on the Quidco thing. They'll know you did it through them and give them an order number or something and you might still get it.

We have BT at work. Used 5GB last month. That's 3 PCs on pretty much constantly. Mainly email/web etc. Then me with youtube/spotify.

I wouldn't think 10GB would last that long at home..

Yeah, when it goes through with BT, I'll begin the debate with Quidco. Hoping it will still go through as it was nothing to do with us it being cancelled.

I'm gonna give the 10GB a try, if it isn't enough, I'll upgrade it. TBH though, other than playing on YT a bit, I don't actually use the net for much more than email, browsing on here and looking at things I can't afford on PH with a few albums on iTunes if I have vouchers.

Can you monitor your useage on-line? How do you know when you're up at / near your 10GB limit?


ClioSport Club Member
Well, transfered over on Thursday. All went OK. No issues so far. Service has been strong and uninterupted, which is a huge step up from Talk Talk which dropped out every 20 minutes or so last week.

Speed below:


Not as fast as the 5.5 MBPS that they said on-line, but the fact is it's consistant so far, which was the main thing.

Just got to monitor the usgae now - Anyone recomend any ways to do it?


ClioSport Club Member
My talktalk drops every 20 mins or so aswell! I thought it was just me! I dont know why my mum ever swapped from BT :mad: Cant wait to get back to Uni halls where our internet connection is insane quick! :cool:


ClioSport Club Member
My talktalk drops every 20 mins or so aswell! I thought it was just me! I dont know why my mum ever swapped from BT :mad: Cant wait to get back to Uni halls where our internet connection is insane quick! :cool:

If you phone up and whinge, they will offer you the upgrade to a faster line without the traffic management. Not sure if it will cost you anything.

I just couldn't put up with it, it was driving me insane. Wireless didn't work, so had to run a wied connection therough the house and then the connection was terrible.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, we got Quidco with BT, well it's going through at the minute. £80, so all good. Pays for the increase in price over Talk Talk for 12 months of the 18 months contract.
  Yaris Hybrid
My usage is around 300-500GB/month. Virgin 50mbit FTMFW !

+2 although I don't use anywhere near that much.

Can't recommend Virgin highly enough for the internet and if you have it in your area then seriously it is a no brainer.

I wouldn't touch ADSL with a barge pole. Depends on your usage and what you do etc but I know when I was a heavy Warcraft player the Virgin users NEVER disconnected but sh*tty ADSL users wasted so many hours of raiding time because of their "two bean cans and a piece of string" connections.

My ex and a couple of my mates have ADSL and the amount of trouble and down time they have is ridiculous. I just don't know why anyone in a Virgin area would bother with it.
