DC2 TypeR / E36 328i
Well here's the write up for my trip to the ring
A mixture of DSLR pics and iPhone 5 - when I could be bothered to use the camera I did basically lol.
I wasn't really meant to go along on this trip, I got invited and booked on last minute. Prior to going as many of you know I kitted the Integra up a little bit, but a few days before leaving I thought "to hell with it" and bought a brand new set of coilovers too
Anyway on to the trip.
Setting off from where I live (Pontefract, West Yorkshire) gave me around 570 miles each way to the 'ring. So my mates decided to book a ferry at 06:40am, leaving from Dover. Great idea guys. So this was us, setting off at 11pm Saturday night.
DSC_0001.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0003.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
a tank full of Vpower for all 3 cars, and we were off.
Now on the way down, thanks to my excellent idea of taking walkie talkies, I suggested that we should drive through the centre of London and take some pics! Something I've never done before, but always wanted to do.
First pitstop just outside of London, saw a sign for starbucks and being a little hipster I couldn't resist.
We arrived at London at around 3am, drove past Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square etc. Wanted to drive down 'the mal' but it was closed.
Now at this point all 3 cars were fairly clean, so here's the line up.
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Firstly my 'teg. A car I bought to do this job, to take me to the ring. It's been the only purpose for the car for the past few months since having the BMW to run around in. It's around 190bhp and not much over a ton, which isn't too impressive, but the way these things feel through the corners would make a RS Clio owner jealous.
Anyway, you don't need telling about the Integra, so the other two cars.
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DSC_0037.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Firstly is Dan's Seat Ibiza FR. Standard form these are 150bhp of mess, but Dan's spent a lot of money tuning and upgrading the chassis on his, so now it's 260bhp of slightly better mess
Stupidly quick in a straight line, similar to my Ibiza Cupra I had last year, but doesn't give you all the confidence in the world when it meets a corner.
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The red FN2 surprised a lot of us on track. It's had a Fast Road Set Up by Grinspeed and although couldn't shake either, made it impressively difficulty to be overtaken by the Integra or the Ibiza once on the ring. I don't understand why these thins get so much hate, I'm guessing it's just people who have been poisoned by Jeremy Clarkson's controversial opinions.
Anyway, a couple more London pics. I really tried to get Big Ben in this one, if you squint, you can see him
DSC_0049.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
I really wanted to stay in London and take more pictures, but due to getting a bit lost on the way to finding 'Ben we had to dash, and we shot down the M25/M20 and headed for the Ferry port.
Just before we hit Dover, I decided to fill up with Vpower.
Pulling out of the petrol station, disaster struck. My Integra was knocking when setting off. The previous week leading up to the ring I fitted new anti roll bar drop links, coilovers, and had it tracked. So I thought it must surely be one of these things. Unfortunately I didn't have time to check as we were almost running late for the Ferry. In a bad mood, I decided to limp to the Ferry and wait until Calais to have a look at it.
On the Ferry:
Bye Dover!
So by this point I had been up around 24 hours and did plan to get some rest, but the stress of the Integra's new found noise was worrying me to say the least. As soon as we got off the boat, we pulled over at the next available point which happened to be a Citroen dealership. I guess the French don't work Sundays as the place was empty, so we made the most of the car park!
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DSC_0053.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
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Now after trying many things, tightening many bolts, nothing was stopping the knock. Everything I had done in the previous week was fine, so why the car was knocking was a mystery. Then Dan had a brain wave. Engine mount! Of course it made sense, but I had only just replaced the engine mounts around 10,000 miles ago, and if one had failed, I would be screwed.
Luckily, and worryingly, a poke around the engine bay soon showed us the cause of the problem.
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Lets just say that bolt should be about 3 inches to the left, and I was a very lucky boy that it was even still in there. A quick tighten of the nut after jacking the engine up slightly and all was sorted
back on the road!
Which led to the next little mis hap, in the rush of packing up the tools to get back on the road I thought I had forgotten to tighten my wheel bolts. I had done them, I probably just went into autopilot, but I had to pull over and double check, which meant I lost my convoy. (Both of the guys I drove through with were called Dan BTW, including myself - in case there is any confusion lol)
I managed to get in touch with one of them on their mobiles as the walkie talkies disappointinly went out of range pretty quick. We agreed to head towards Dunquerke and I would find somewhere for us to meet. I found a McDonalds so pulled in.
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DSC_0059.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
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After about half an hour we were reunited. God only knows how it took them longer to get here than it did me, after all I was the one who stopped to check my wheel bolts.
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Now we had lost quite a bit of time. Our initial ETA of 2pm was fading away so we just hit the hay and I didn't take any pics until we got there.
Now let me say the B+B we stayed at was great. If you're looking for great hospitality at the ring then I can't recommend this place further. It's run by a very kind German woman called Michaela Scheffner. The place is called "Gastehaus Fuchsrohre" and is literally on the 'rings doorstep. Such a lovely little village, Welcherath.
As we arrived, rain began to fall.
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... but I was starting to feel at home already after I spotted this
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The clock soon span around to 6pm (we arrived around 4pm) and I muttered to my mate about going and doing a lap now. Bugger it we thought, and we set off to the ring and I did my first lap
(which I thought I had a picture of but I can't find for now, but trust me, I'm a f**king hero. 32 hours without sleep and I did a lap of the ring, and it felt f**king awesome!!)
The next day we headed out to a view point. By this time we had met up with the other guys we were doing the trip with. Josh and Matt in an Astra GSi and Richard in his Astra VXR. Both cars were around the 300bhp mark, and being Vauxhall's did well to make it to the ring so I didn't abuse the Z20LET Lovers too much.
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DSC_0083.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Nothing seemed to be happening really, but then, this happened.
Yep, a P1 just flew by us like we weren't there. Followed by a helicopter. Apparently McLaren were filming a promo video.
We waited around about 15 minutes then we heard the chopper again, so I did my best to take a picture of the beast this time.
DSC_0086.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
To say I was happy at that moment in time wouldn't do the feeling justice. Petrolhead Nirvana this place most certainly is.
Now I'm just going to post a few random pics of thing we got up to over the 3 days I was there.
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Ed's petrol station. Doesn't sell the super duper 102 RON that you so crave, but is regarded as the petrol station for the ring. Just hang around this place for a few moments and you'll see supercar after supercar after concept/test car pull in and fill up.
...or that's what I was told. Most of them were on track when we were here, so the fastest thing in the car park was probably Dan's Ibiza.
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DSC_0098.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Now you may or may not (well you'd need good eyes) have noticed that my canards have been removed. I got told off after my first lap by a steward claiming I could decapitate a biker, so I pulled them off in the morning. I've made it clear I don't really like them, so I doubt they'll go back on. It's just a shame they were on the bumper when I bought it (I bought the bumper as a whole as it had the carbon intake, cosworth splitter and was in better condition than my previous)
Now onto German Supermarkets. They're a bit weird. You know how in Tescos we have a pop aisle? Well they don't. They have an isle for everything else but I guess the germans must just live off lager and council pop (tap water). The only drinks they sold in this shop, was Red Bull, and weird Red Bull. Ala....
Bad Sex Killer, Sexergy, and Rhinos piss...
I kept it simple with my choices
I couldn't resist these views as a backdrop.
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DSC_0103.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0109.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
I went out for another lap not long after that, but I was a few cars behind a biker coming off and seriously hurting himself, so we headed back to the hotel. The reality of the ring sets in after seeing someones body laid out on track.
I heard the guy survived but there are no vids of the crash on Youtube, yet. I'll keep checking and post one if I find one.
The view from my room at the B+B;
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DSC_0207.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Attic conversion ftw.
After getting back we decided to go to Pistenklause, and had the best steak ever.
A new concept to me, this cooking your steak on a hot stone business, but the taste of the steak was unreal. If you go to the ring, you MUST go to Pistenklause.
I also picked up a sticker from the restaurant/hotel
The hotel is owned by Sabine Schmitz family.You know, Sabine
A pretty cool place, loads of signatures on the wall from past and present racing drivers.
The next day we set off on a new adventure, to find the old circuit, and of course, to take some of it home (Which I kinda forgot to take a picture of but its in the boot of my Integra for bragging rights)
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Brimming with 102 Octane
For those who aren't aware the 'ring used to be a lot larger than it is now, but the track was made safer. I won't pretend to be an expert on this but you can read about it here on wikihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nürburgring
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A section of the old track is accessible by road, stewards and photographers use the tracks to get to certain parts of the track which is still in use. We used it to take some pics and then I couldn't resist making a video.
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I won't lie, I had become quite attached to the VXR lol.
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So here's the vid of me going up that section of road (I can't embed due to the forum limits)
After this we headed off to the nurburg museum. If you go, there are 2 tickets, a 20 euro one to walk around the museum, or a 25 euro one to walk around the museum, go Go Karting, and go on a racing simulator against your mates. Get the 25 euro one as the karts are ace fun, as is the simulator. (I think it was GTR2, but the setup of RaceRoom is excellent)
Spotted a few nice cars in the car park.
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Perhaps my version of nice car isn't the same as everyone else's lol
Race Room had a Countach for sale.
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I thought about it, but there's more I want to do with the 'teg yet.
Random shots from the museum.
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After the museum and Karting, it was back to the ring for another lap.
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Bumped in to a few lads from ITR DC2 forum in the car park which was ace.
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Then this rascal turned up again.
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Michaela who runs the B+B we were staying at was out taking pictures, and she got a couple of the Integra. This was my second lap, so I asked Richard with the blue VXR to give me a helping hand with the corners.
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TF19082013water-3738 by DanielJames., on Flickr
Twas excellent. Can't remember what happened after that, I think we just chilled at the hotel. Or possibly we went to Pistenklause and I've got the dates wrong. Anythings possible in this crazy world.
I wasn't really meant to go along on this trip, I got invited and booked on last minute. Prior to going as many of you know I kitted the Integra up a little bit, but a few days before leaving I thought "to hell with it" and bought a brand new set of coilovers too
Anyway on to the trip.
Setting off from where I live (Pontefract, West Yorkshire) gave me around 570 miles each way to the 'ring. So my mates decided to book a ferry at 06:40am, leaving from Dover. Great idea guys. So this was us, setting off at 11pm Saturday night.
DSC_0001.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0003.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
a tank full of Vpower for all 3 cars, and we were off.
Now on the way down, thanks to my excellent idea of taking walkie talkies, I suggested that we should drive through the centre of London and take some pics! Something I've never done before, but always wanted to do.
First pitstop just outside of London, saw a sign for starbucks and being a little hipster I couldn't resist.
We arrived at London at around 3am, drove past Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square etc. Wanted to drive down 'the mal' but it was closed.
Now at this point all 3 cars were fairly clean, so here's the line up.
DSC_0031.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Firstly my 'teg. A car I bought to do this job, to take me to the ring. It's been the only purpose for the car for the past few months since having the BMW to run around in. It's around 190bhp and not much over a ton, which isn't too impressive, but the way these things feel through the corners would make a RS Clio owner jealous.
Anyway, you don't need telling about the Integra, so the other two cars.
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DSC_0037.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Firstly is Dan's Seat Ibiza FR. Standard form these are 150bhp of mess, but Dan's spent a lot of money tuning and upgrading the chassis on his, so now it's 260bhp of slightly better mess
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The red FN2 surprised a lot of us on track. It's had a Fast Road Set Up by Grinspeed and although couldn't shake either, made it impressively difficulty to be overtaken by the Integra or the Ibiza once on the ring. I don't understand why these thins get so much hate, I'm guessing it's just people who have been poisoned by Jeremy Clarkson's controversial opinions.
Anyway, a couple more London pics. I really tried to get Big Ben in this one, if you squint, you can see him
DSC_0049.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
I really wanted to stay in London and take more pictures, but due to getting a bit lost on the way to finding 'Ben we had to dash, and we shot down the M25/M20 and headed for the Ferry port.
Just before we hit Dover, I decided to fill up with Vpower.
Pulling out of the petrol station, disaster struck. My Integra was knocking when setting off. The previous week leading up to the ring I fitted new anti roll bar drop links, coilovers, and had it tracked. So I thought it must surely be one of these things. Unfortunately I didn't have time to check as we were almost running late for the Ferry. In a bad mood, I decided to limp to the Ferry and wait until Calais to have a look at it.
On the Ferry:
Bye Dover!
So by this point I had been up around 24 hours and did plan to get some rest, but the stress of the Integra's new found noise was worrying me to say the least. As soon as we got off the boat, we pulled over at the next available point which happened to be a Citroen dealership. I guess the French don't work Sundays as the place was empty, so we made the most of the car park!
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DSC_0053.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0040-2.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Now after trying many things, tightening many bolts, nothing was stopping the knock. Everything I had done in the previous week was fine, so why the car was knocking was a mystery. Then Dan had a brain wave. Engine mount! Of course it made sense, but I had only just replaced the engine mounts around 10,000 miles ago, and if one had failed, I would be screwed.
Luckily, and worryingly, a poke around the engine bay soon showed us the cause of the problem.
DSC_0057.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Lets just say that bolt should be about 3 inches to the left, and I was a very lucky boy that it was even still in there. A quick tighten of the nut after jacking the engine up slightly and all was sorted
Which led to the next little mis hap, in the rush of packing up the tools to get back on the road I thought I had forgotten to tighten my wheel bolts. I had done them, I probably just went into autopilot, but I had to pull over and double check, which meant I lost my convoy. (Both of the guys I drove through with were called Dan BTW, including myself - in case there is any confusion lol)
I managed to get in touch with one of them on their mobiles as the walkie talkies disappointinly went out of range pretty quick. We agreed to head towards Dunquerke and I would find somewhere for us to meet. I found a McDonalds so pulled in.
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DSC_0059.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0061.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
After about half an hour we were reunited. God only knows how it took them longer to get here than it did me, after all I was the one who stopped to check my wheel bolts.
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Now we had lost quite a bit of time. Our initial ETA of 2pm was fading away so we just hit the hay and I didn't take any pics until we got there.
Now let me say the B+B we stayed at was great. If you're looking for great hospitality at the ring then I can't recommend this place further. It's run by a very kind German woman called Michaela Scheffner. The place is called "Gastehaus Fuchsrohre" and is literally on the 'rings doorstep. Such a lovely little village, Welcherath.
As we arrived, rain began to fall.
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... but I was starting to feel at home already after I spotted this
DSC_0069.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
The clock soon span around to 6pm (we arrived around 4pm) and I muttered to my mate about going and doing a lap now. Bugger it we thought, and we set off to the ring and I did my first lap
(which I thought I had a picture of but I can't find for now, but trust me, I'm a f**king hero. 32 hours without sleep and I did a lap of the ring, and it felt f**king awesome!!)
The next day we headed out to a view point. By this time we had met up with the other guys we were doing the trip with. Josh and Matt in an Astra GSi and Richard in his Astra VXR. Both cars were around the 300bhp mark, and being Vauxhall's did well to make it to the ring so I didn't abuse the Z20LET Lovers too much.
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DSC_0082.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0083.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Nothing seemed to be happening really, but then, this happened.
Yep, a P1 just flew by us like we weren't there. Followed by a helicopter. Apparently McLaren were filming a promo video.
We waited around about 15 minutes then we heard the chopper again, so I did my best to take a picture of the beast this time.
DSC_0086.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
To say I was happy at that moment in time wouldn't do the feeling justice. Petrolhead Nirvana this place most certainly is.
Now I'm just going to post a few random pics of thing we got up to over the 3 days I was there.
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Ed's petrol station. Doesn't sell the super duper 102 RON that you so crave, but is regarded as the petrol station for the ring. Just hang around this place for a few moments and you'll see supercar after supercar after concept/test car pull in and fill up.
...or that's what I was told. Most of them were on track when we were here, so the fastest thing in the car park was probably Dan's Ibiza.
DSC_0097.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0098.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Now you may or may not (well you'd need good eyes) have noticed that my canards have been removed. I got told off after my first lap by a steward claiming I could decapitate a biker, so I pulled them off in the morning. I've made it clear I don't really like them, so I doubt they'll go back on. It's just a shame they were on the bumper when I bought it (I bought the bumper as a whole as it had the carbon intake, cosworth splitter and was in better condition than my previous)
Now onto German Supermarkets. They're a bit weird. You know how in Tescos we have a pop aisle? Well they don't. They have an isle for everything else but I guess the germans must just live off lager and council pop (tap water). The only drinks they sold in this shop, was Red Bull, and weird Red Bull. Ala....
Bad Sex Killer, Sexergy, and Rhinos piss...
I kept it simple with my choices
I couldn't resist these views as a backdrop.
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DSC_0103.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0109.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
I went out for another lap not long after that, but I was a few cars behind a biker coming off and seriously hurting himself, so we headed back to the hotel. The reality of the ring sets in after seeing someones body laid out on track.
I heard the guy survived but there are no vids of the crash on Youtube, yet. I'll keep checking and post one if I find one.
The view from my room at the B+B;
DSC_0206.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
DSC_0207.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Attic conversion ftw.
After getting back we decided to go to Pistenklause, and had the best steak ever.
A new concept to me, this cooking your steak on a hot stone business, but the taste of the steak was unreal. If you go to the ring, you MUST go to Pistenklause.
I also picked up a sticker from the restaurant/hotel
The hotel is owned by Sabine Schmitz family.You know, Sabine
A pretty cool place, loads of signatures on the wall from past and present racing drivers.
The next day we set off on a new adventure, to find the old circuit, and of course, to take some of it home (Which I kinda forgot to take a picture of but its in the boot of my Integra for bragging rights)
20130819_163622.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Brimming with 102 Octane
For those who aren't aware the 'ring used to be a lot larger than it is now, but the track was made safer. I won't pretend to be an expert on this but you can read about it here on wikihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nürburgring
DSC_0112.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
A section of the old track is accessible by road, stewards and photographers use the tracks to get to certain parts of the track which is still in use. We used it to take some pics and then I couldn't resist making a video.
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DSC_0116.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
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DSC_0132.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
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DSC_0140.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
I won't lie, I had become quite attached to the VXR lol.
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So here's the vid of me going up that section of road (I can't embed due to the forum limits)
After this we headed off to the nurburg museum. If you go, there are 2 tickets, a 20 euro one to walk around the museum, or a 25 euro one to walk around the museum, go Go Karting, and go on a racing simulator against your mates. Get the 25 euro one as the karts are ace fun, as is the simulator. (I think it was GTR2, but the setup of RaceRoom is excellent)
Spotted a few nice cars in the car park.
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DSC_0181.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Perhaps my version of nice car isn't the same as everyone else's lol
Race Room had a Countach for sale.
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I thought about it, but there's more I want to do with the 'teg yet.
Random shots from the museum.
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After the museum and Karting, it was back to the ring for another lap.
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Bumped in to a few lads from ITR DC2 forum in the car park which was ace.
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Then this rascal turned up again.
DSC_0195.jpg by DanielJames., on Flickr
Michaela who runs the B+B we were staying at was out taking pictures, and she got a couple of the Integra. This was my second lap, so I asked Richard with the blue VXR to give me a helping hand with the corners.
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TF19082013water-3738 by DanielJames., on Flickr
Twas excellent. Can't remember what happened after that, I think we just chilled at the hotel. Or possibly we went to Pistenklause and I've got the dates wrong. Anythings possible in this crazy world.
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