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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

  Fiesta ST-3
Seems like there's a possible bug with claymores. I mean, how the f**k can somebody casually walk through one and not die? If your sprinting then yeah maybe... See it loads of times lol.

What about explosive damage resistance or what ever its called. Happened to me a few times today.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Any tips or hints guys to help me convince myself to like playing this online?

Just gone on Nuketown on a German server for the first time, got Rank 2 and not far off 3 so far - lol. Despite our team winning and me ending with a positive score, I just felt like I was playing Soldier of Fortune 2 from eight years ago. I don't 'feel' any need to assist or help my team. I don't feel any need or desire to perform any act of self preservation whatsoever. I aimed and fired - and if my rounds got the other guy first, then I won. If I didn't, oh well...

I'm still looking for that hidden gem. The 'Ah!' moment when it all clicks into place and I start to really enjoy playing it. Tell me where I'm going wrong, because at this moment in time, I'm definitely on the side of EWWW!!! on this Marmite Game. :)



ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
ive kinda lost interest with playing this now, i only really play zombies. Played modernware fare 2 for almost a year solid. Shame really
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
I just have that natural desire to win and to out wit others. Cod is a great game for that. Your not gonna save the world or win loads of money it's a computer game where the most focussed and determined win.
Try zombies online 40 zombies around a team mate and you run down and BOOM revive him. Or 100 zombies running towards you on level 20 and you unleash mayhem on them with rpk or hk21 mowing those bitches down.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I just have that natural desire to win and to out wit others. Cod is a great game for that. Your not gonna save the world or win loads of money it's a computer game where the most focussed and determined win.
Try zombies online 40 zombies around a team mate and you run down and BOOM revive him. Or 100 zombies running towards you on level 20 and you unleash mayhem on them with rpk or hk21 mowing those b**ches down.

See, now that's where I disagree. I slot far more comfortably into the COD role of 'what will be, will be' rather than trying to engage my brain and outsmart players like I do in other FPSs. It's easy for me to get the adrenaline flowing and focusing hard on trying to do well for both me and the team in say, BC2. But I just don't feel it with COD. If I remove all seriousness out of the equation and focus on playing Rambo, it feels much more 'natural' to play COD that way.

I just don't think the game mechanics are up to supporting indepth tactical decisions. That said, I can't knock it for not doing so - it simply does what it does and really rather well. I guess I'm looking too hard for something that isn't ever going to be there?

I'll give it some decent goes online at weekend - see if I get the addiction - lol! :)

  Fiesta ST-2
Search and destroy is the most team focused strategic mode imo. You'll need a qualo team with headsets to benefit though.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
That's it Darren it's literally as simple as that. Cod is kill as many people within the time/score limit as ya can. Done. Bc2 is alot more team and tactical based. I don't even think BO is as good on the s and d game as mw2. I can't pin point why, think BO suits a different style of play.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Headquarters is what you want to play or S&D??

In Headquarters I tend to hang back "IF" my team go's to the actual headquarters. The thing is some people are f**king clueless and just dont seem to understand how to play. I do capture stuff if I can get there but I generally hang back and help pick people off before they get to the target.
  Dodgy one
Seems like there's a possible bug with claymores. I mean, how the f**k can somebody casually walk through one and not die? If your sprinting then yeah maybe... See it loads of times lol.

I tend to trip them and run backwards, Then stand waiting for the bellend camper to pop his head round the corner and pop lol
Prestiged today. Boo. Meh. But oh well.

Ak47u Grip. Lightweight Pro, Slight Pro, Maration Pro. My formula now lost.

On another note. Claymores are so f**king incosistant. Can walk past 5 foot an it goes or sprint though with luck and nothing.

Still loads of camping c***s. If you're camping, i'ma come back and get you.
  Fiesta ST-3
Finally got some decent people on zombies last night. Got to level 20. The box was being really s**t though so should of got further. Gave me 2 ballistic knifes a pistol then double pistol then crossbow. Absolutely w**k. We just all upgraded the shot gun off the wall.

Afgh the bain of my life gettin s**t players. And as for the box it does my head in. I've yet to receive a good weapon, rocket launcher, snipped and those double pistols. I mean come on... WTF
  LY 182
Yup that's my point with claymores. I know you can 'trip them' as you said Rich-6 and using Hacker is a great help with this as you see them through the buildings. But I've seen so many people just go through them at a normal pace and survive. Doesn't make any sense to me.

I need to use Hacker on more of my classes though, thinking about it. It's majorly funny when you can see a claymore through the walls and you know it's a room / likely camper. Just throw a grenade up there and that usually does the trick! Been using the nova gas more now too. Best use of that was probably yesterday on Summit. It's always quite populated on the inside bit the corridor style area. Picked a few off, then lied down on the floor, threw a nova to the entrance, couple suckers run into it, weaken themselves, easy picking!

I've also taken more of a liking to destroying enemy aircraft lol. One thing I still can't figure out is the LAW launcher. It says lock on, but only once have I managed to get it so the missile comes back and takes out the aircraft. Every other time I miss. What's the actual way to get the lock on? I know when you're aiming it makes different sounds I think it's related to that?
See, now that's where I disagree. I slot far more comfortably into the COD role of 'what will be, will be' rather than trying to engage my brain and outsmart players like I do in other FPSs. It's easy for me to get the adrenaline flowing and focusing hard on trying to do well for both me and the team in say, BC2. But I just don't feel it with COD. If I remove all seriousness out of the equation and focus on playing Rambo, it feels much more 'natural' to play COD that way.

I just don't think the game mechanics are up to supporting indepth tactical decisions. That said, I can't knock it for not doing so - it simply does what it does and really rather well. I guess I'm looking too hard for something that isn't ever going to be there?

I'll give it some decent goes online at weekend - see if I get the addiction - lol! :)


Unless you play competitiveley, 99% of CoD players run and gun with no real tactics other than not to get shot and put as many rounds into any enemy. i see what your saying, even team based games struggle to engage you in proper team work.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Slight random question - does anyone have any issues in their custom kits retaining their names? By that, say I pick CUSTOM4 and equip it with a Galil and a Makrov etc, then rename that custom kit to Galil + Makrov - it stays there for the remainder of the time I'm in COD BO. But when I exit the game and come back, I just have a list of CUSTOM1 through to 5, though hovering over CUSTOM4 will show the Galil and Makrov, etc. A bit weird. :)

  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
Gamebattles is totally different though, it feels like playing another game when you have a team. I'm looking forward to doing some in black ops, we did loads in MW2.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
The claymores are abit hit and miss. People without flakjacket seem to be able to walk through mine and if I go within 100 metres of there's I'm dead. Usual frammerate bullshit I'd put it down to.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Darren I agree with you about it not feeling like a tactical warzone as in BC2, it's far more straight forward and adrenaline based...but on the flipside despite all the options and customisation, more shallow.

I am on level 41 now and the game is only just starting to click for me, but it's not got the team play like in BC2 spawning on your squad, no co-piloting vehicles etc - I think in part this is due to people's obsession with stats on this game. Fair enough if you want a consistent 3:1 or 4:1 ratio...but even if you're really good, the only way I think you can consistently get that on this game is camping a lot. On BC2 you need to alter your tactics a lot, and change your class on the fly within games to meet the situation. In ALL COD games, I find a class I like and just stick with it 95% of the time - and once I prestige I then just make the same class again.

I like Black Ops, but I don't love it as much as BC2, or even MW2.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Me and my brother got up to level 15 on Zombies last night. f**king hell it was mental. 100's of the b******s! The trick is to use the fire trap thingy in the little room downstairs. You've only got to watch one direction then as any from behind you just go straight into the flames. We probably could of got further but my brother decided to go on a recon mission and f**k himself up!
  Fiesta ST-3
Me and my brother got up to level 15 on Zombies last night. f**king hell it was mental. 100's of the b******s! The trick is to use the fire trap thingy in the little room downstairs. You've only got to watch one direction then as any from behind you just go straight into the flames. We probably could of got further but my brother decided to go on a recon mission and f**k himself up!

Fire trap? And xbox or PS3? Im well keen for a game today.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Fire trap? And xbox or PS3? Im well keen for a game today.

PS3 mate. Under the stairs in the main room theres the little room on your left that leads to outside. In the little room you can activate the trap which shoots flames from the floor. You have to turn the power on first mind.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Darren I agree with you about it not feeling like a tactical warzone as in BC2, it's far more straight forward and adrenaline based...but on the flipside despite all the options and customisation, more shallow.

I am on level 41 now and the game is only just starting to click for me, but it's not got the team play like in BC2 spawning on your squad, no co-piloting vehicles etc - I think in part this is due to people's obsession with stats on this game. Fair enough if you want a consistent 3:1 or 4:1 ratio...but even if you're really good, the only way I think you can consistently get that on this game is camping a lot. On BC2 you need to alter your tactics a lot, and change your class on the fly within games to meet the situation. In ALL COD games, I find a class I like and just stick with it 95% of the time - and once I prestige I then just make the same class again.

I like Black Ops, but I don't love it as much as BC2, or even MW2.

I think you've summed it up far better than me, m8!

I guess with BC2 I focus really hard on trying to help the squad. As an engineer, I repair/protect the vehicles. As the recon, I'm spotting for the team and trying to engage at long range, while healing team members as a medic or providing them ammo as an assault player. There's an extra 'layer' of gameplay in there, alongside the existing kill/survive routine of any FPS.

I need to switch my thinking for COD. I loved Quake 3 on a LAN and Soldier of Fortune II was my first real online experience. Both centred on the spawn-kill-spawn-kill mentality which is the essence of COD as well. If I get my brain thinking along those lines, I'm sure I'll like it!

  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh even between MW2 and BO I've had to mix up my style...although once I clock the new COD game, I get one strategy I stick to each time, just change where I go / wait / look depending on the map. On BC2 each game is slightly different and so many more emergent styles...use the UAV with a friend and C4 bomb the station, snipe and mortar strike, get in a tank, be stealthy and flank them, charge en masse, using smoke...and I love how you can change your class in the game too to get the player you need.
  LY 182
f**king Nuketown.

Just had a chopper gunner in my care package. Pwn with it. Guess what happens? Sad f**king c**t quits and there's no host migration.

Voted again. This time I get stick with a load of noobs whereas the other team has several prestiged people. Great fairness in that!
  Fiesta ST-3
Just got to level 19, was playing with some right good lads. Upgraded both my M16 and some thing else. Insane it was.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Ya need something better than m16 if ya wanna get passed that level. You need at least 1 ray gun. It's still majorly down to luck as sometimes it's short on max ammos for alot of levels forcing you back to the weapons on the wall.
Ya need something better than m16 if ya wanna get passed that level. You need at least 1 ray gun. It's still majorly down to luck as sometimes it's short on max ammos for alot of levels forcing you back to the weapons on the wall.

and monkey bombs...essential for higher levels on any map of zombies
f**king Nuketown.

Just had a chopper gunner in my care package. Pwn with it. Guess what happens? Sad f**king c**t quits and there's no host migration.

Voted again. This time I get stick with a load of noobs whereas the other team has several prestiged people. Great fairness in that!

I noticed lots of people quite in this when they get raped, even in MW2 this didn't happen.

And also noticed it sucks at matching players, for example previous game, me and my mate, and then also 2 other randoms on our team have kd's of 4+
Other team doesn't have one player above 1.

Next game it me and my mate are still on the same team as the two decent players we had before, WTF!?
  Not a 320d
Im not sure if i can bring myself to play this game anymore. Inconsistent hits with weapons, 1 shot sometimes, then others i can empty an entire clip into someone and they still standing.
  LY 182
I noticed lots of people quite in this when they get raped, even in MW2 this didn't happen.

And also noticed it sucks at matching players, for example previous game, me and my mate, and then also 2 other randoms on our team have kd's of 4+
Other team doesn't have one player above 1.

Next game it me and my mate are still on the same team as the two decent players we had before, WTF!?

Lol yeah. I had this yesterday. 3 or 4 games in a row, same teams. Same situation where 1 team has several people who have prestiged and the other team has a load of people like level 10-20 first prestige.

Now I don't like the enemy to be s**t, but even teams makes for a much better game!
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
What's every1s points per minute ratio every lobby I check I have the best 1. I'm currently at 270 points per min as I've been suffering abit of lag but had it well into 300. It's a pretty good sign you will do well in a lobby if your top I find.
