ClioSport Club Member
What do them panning options change?
The 172 and 106 mid air battle is qualo! Probably the best shots of std cars I have seen thus far!
Tommy Mak qualo
Is the 'ol 5 tubby a std as that looks qualo
far too much use of the word qualo for me lads, think it cottened on much? Geddes that RS6 you gave me is epic 910bhp FTW
106 vs 162 is awesome, good work
Quick enough for the all stars event?my new toy thats amazing and £950,000 spent well
How do you guys earn so much money to buy these cars I never have any credits
Lamborgini08 do you want my Mk2 vee tune? Makes it handle sort of ok lol! You still get the weight transfer in corners though, can't be hustled like a 172.
About to start it Yogi bear i hope so, it pooned the world championship each race easy 5sec+ infront every race
How much fun is it if you have a car that can destroy everything else, even if driven badly?