2003 Clio 172
Hey gang,
Not having much luck here.
Last week the BeeEm windscreen popped in the extreme cold and now it seems the Clio has started :S
The BeeEm i can understand as it was a high mileage company car from the UK and the screen was peppered with teeny stone chips but the Clio screen looked new, albeit a non oem one.
Perhaps its a godsend as i had no auto wipers or lights, nor did it have the fancy blue coating on it.
Perhaps i will be able to get this now?
I got into a real fight with wifeys insurance to sort the BeeEm screen as i wanted a genuine BM one but they wouldnt play at all, so its got a generic screen in it now. Not too fussed as there are no auto wipers or lights.
Will the insurance company replace the Clio one with a correct Reno screen? Has anyone had any dealings with Endsleigh insurance on this regards?
If you did have to fight for it, what was the arguments you used?
Not having much luck here.
Last week the BeeEm windscreen popped in the extreme cold and now it seems the Clio has started :S
The BeeEm i can understand as it was a high mileage company car from the UK and the screen was peppered with teeny stone chips but the Clio screen looked new, albeit a non oem one.
Perhaps its a godsend as i had no auto wipers or lights, nor did it have the fancy blue coating on it.
Perhaps i will be able to get this now?
I got into a real fight with wifeys insurance to sort the BeeEm screen as i wanted a genuine BM one but they wouldnt play at all, so its got a generic screen in it now. Not too fussed as there are no auto wipers or lights.
Will the insurance company replace the Clio one with a correct Reno screen? Has anyone had any dealings with Endsleigh insurance on this regards?
If you did have to fight for it, what was the arguments you used?