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oil around engine?

  Clio 182
Just been changing my air filter, and noticed a bit of oil resting on the engine, which I'm not sure I like the look of..

Its possible that this is residue from filling the oil up, but I dont think I'd have spilt that much.

any ideas where it could possibly be coming from, and what might be wrong? The car has only done 40k and its not abused as such..

heres a pic to explain

If its anything serious, the car is still under warranty luckily - still, I hope not :S


  • oil.jpg
    77.6 KB · Views: 51
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  Clio 182
hope so! I do a lot of miles, so if they do weep from there and its "normal" i suppose mine would seem worse in the same amount of time as another
  RS4 480hp,STI 420hp,ELISE
Mine is the same and also do 40 000 miles/year. Also leaks at the gearbox and several other normal places. Have to refill regulary
  RS4 480hp,STI 420hp,ELISE
Had the same. Also solved the same way. I've had every possible problem you can imagine
