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oooh, its like christmas!


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
only better! My theory is buy the cheapest wax first, then move up the scale (swissvax!) oooh, so many to get yet! Not goin off my dodo juice though! Love the wookie, by far the best wash mitt ever! :eek:


  Bus w**ker
I've already got five different wash mitts, three are brand new and still in the bags PMSL. So I'll hold off for now.

Oh and what's with the Spitfire Haynes manual? lol
  Porsche Boxster987S
awesome dawn:approve: some very nice products there. You ever used onyx? i want to try some of the autobahn


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
I've already got five different wash mitts, three are brand new and still in the bags PMSL. So I'll hold off for now.

Oh and what's with the Spitfire Haynes manual? lol

lol, you've got bloody good eyes! it was a pressie from one of our customers. Dont worry about having too many washmitts, im the same just keep buying! :eek:

awesome dawn:approve: some very nice products there. You ever used onyx? i want to try some of the autobahn

Yeh, the guy I do the mustang for has the starter kit which has onyx + the wheel wax. Both are excellent products imo.
What mitt is it?

I have been using a new serious performance own wash mitt on my 197, only used it about 6 times and already it's breaking up and falling apart.

Might have to move onto my megs chennel (sp) mitt.

I'm always smitten by a new mitten thou ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
is that what the mitt is called? wookie?

yep, cyc do them but out of stock at mo.

Did you come to FCS pal?! Never seen ya!

no! :( bloody couldnt go! saw a wee piccy of you though, pretty boy! :eek:

Dawn will you marry me xx

YES! Babies? lol! :D

What do you think to ONR? You should try their detailing spray! ;)

Not tried the qd, thought you could use this as a qd though? very good stuff iether way
Nice Dawn, steady with chatting to other "men" thought, remember who's ring is on your finger ;)

(Not mine, your Doh!doh! loving friend, Paul ;))


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Errrr...You can only fill tem half full or they collapse!lol. But they are handy for shows. Was a god sent at FCS and a space saver!
  Mini Cooper S sport
That wash mitt looks like a cat in a bag! I think I want one.

My sheepskin mitt is breaking up and falling to bits.


  Titanium Clio 182
Impressive additions to your collection Dawn, I think you get paid too much !!!
  Bus w**ker
Errrr...You can only fill tem half full or they collapse!lol. But they are handy for shows. Was a god sent at FCS and a space saver!
lol cheers, it's the space issues that have me interested really as two buckets plus all my other crap are a squeeze in the boot of a you get on with a V is beyond me.


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
lol cheers, it's the space issues that have me interested really as two buckets plus all my other crap are a squeeze in the boot of a you get on with a V is beyond me.

its a huge issue 4me! i need a second car to follow me around! :eek:

Where can you buy that mitt from?

clean your car do them but out of stock at mo


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
^ I know how you feel, after just spending £175 on that lot I still NEED MORE!
We live reasonably close to Polished Bliss, and visiting there is always a bad idea. You can't leave without spending £100 on new things! :lolup:

I normally go there intending to get maybe a couple of pads, or something small, but normally come away with far too much!


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
We live reasonably close to Polished Bliss, and visiting there is always a bad idea. You can't leave without spending £100 on new things! :lolup:

I normally go there intending to get maybe a couple of pads, or something small, but normally come away with far too much!

lol, were all mad!

What's the no rinse stuff Dawn?

its a no rinse wash solution, mainly for shows etc. have a look on dw, in the eco friendly section. really really good stuff!


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
lol cheers, it's the space issues that have me interested really as two buckets plus all my other crap are a squeeze in the boot of a you get on with a V is beyond me.

Ha! - Managed. Just!


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Passenger seat, that's how he roles ;)

2 bags in the net behind the seats. Bucket, hose, detailing stuff in the front. had a splitter up the middle! lol...NO DANGER! It's like a HyperMPV!
  clio 182 & Fiesta RSTurbo
lol, were all mad!

its a no rinse wash solution, mainly for shows etc. have a look on dw, in the eco friendly section. really really good stuff!

It's not mainly for shows, it's used as a replacement for car shampoo and the need for a pressure washer. But later on has been found it can be used as a QD/clay lube.

you can use the 2bm method if more than dusty and you clean one panel at a time.

Alot of people have been saying not to use the wool mitts as it makes it hard to clean them out afterwards because ONR attracts the dirt.

Most people seem to be using grout or zymol sponges with no evidence of paint damage.

EDIT: < said grout sponges.
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ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
^ i meant 4me its 4shows. I wouldnt use it to clean my car any other time unless i had no choice!
  clio 182 & Fiesta RSTurbo
^ i meant 4me its 4shows. I wouldnt use it to clean my car any other time unless i had no choice!

Why not?

It's not gonna damage your paint you know, or mar your paint work.

It was used at a detailing meet and alot of people were sceptial of it and clearly went round the car to find defects and they found non.

Saves on time and water, probably one of the best if not the best cleaning product out there.
