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Painted engine cover Liquid Yellow

Had my engine cover painted today. Not really liquid cos its expensive, just bright yellow!! Engine needs a bloody good clean but i thought i'd post some pics for comments.


  Chocolate Bar™
thats not liquid yellow, did a bodyshop do it because if they did they did you over lol. Liquid yellow is a darker yellow with loads of pearl in it.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
That's not liquid - either that or you set off several kilos of flash powder for that pic!
  Chocolate Bar™
take a look at makavellis cover what i did, thats real liquid yellow. Liquid yellow paint costs a fortune prob why they did it in a different colour. i know it costs me 35 quid for it as its two coats, 1 of yellow and 1 of pearl. How much did u pay if u dont mind me asking?

btw noticed you've now edited your post... smooth ;)
take a look at makavellis cover what i did, thats real liquid yellow. Liquid yellow paint costs a fortune prob why they did it in a different colour. i know it costs me 35 quid for it as its two coats, 1 of yellow and 1 of pearl. How much did u pay if u dont mind me asking?

Nowt, I put a lot of work to a mobile sprayer and he did it for free along with my wheels
take a look at makavellis cover what i did, thats real liquid yellow. Liquid yellow paint costs a fortune prob why they did it in a different colour. i know it costs me 35 quid for it as its two coats, 1 of yellow and 1 of pearl. How much did u pay if u dont mind me asking?

btw noticed you've now edited your post... smooth ;)

:quiet: never:rasp:
yea nothing fancy, thay were a bit fooked! thought about black but didn't have the bottle
Crap pics full stop. Dark and dirty.


I know the cap looks a different colour, its my camera phone and lack of light.
