It wasnt blamed on you guys in the Mark 1s...someone just didnt realise that we had mk1s in the club (even though it was Valvers and Williams cars as well as ph1s which were the beginning of the club and forum that is now CS.
I think those who did what they did are aware of what they did...some probably didnt realise at the time, but now know. Its not pointing the blame at any make or model or creed or anything else...just those people who have hopefully learnt.
Without trying to sound bad...I just hope we dont have to do another parade lap as we are losing a fair few people such as Dan and Lee
If we are to do another one...we could do some sort of briefing whereby you attend and hand your form over after being told what you need to be told. Lets remember the Parade Lap for what is was for rather than the niggles which happened on the day.