Ive never had nuke on as a killstreak as I will never get that high.
chopper gunner
Bah on xbox 2day first time. Might be something to do with me connecting through pc as wireless is up sh*t creek. But no lag in games and full green connection so I don't see why...
Laura is good!
Don't see why the emp is rated so highly, makes it harder for folk to find/kill you bt meh
Uav, chopper, pavelow, win
what's the best killstreak for me to get the EMP emblem, been on this for a week now almost and i'm still on 7. i keep changing it, at the minute i got 5, 9 and 15, it was 5, 7 and 15 my other opting is 7, 9, 15 i keep gwetting killed around the 6 and 7 area
Is chopper gunner better than AC130?
anyone playing at about 9-10 on estate sniping right in the corner behind the house? xbox
Im rubbish at stabbing got it set to circle button so I cant exactly turn and stab.
Very little for FFA TBH, map rotation sucks c**k an all.why is there not a Hardcore Free for all? Or is there and i have not seen it?
I have tactical button set up as well, you get quicker, just concentrate on stabbing and you will get better at it. Im no slower than someone using the default buttons now because i concentrated on getting tactical knife with the m9 and now i use that a lot love pissing people off with it haha!!