Me? No still kevster84. I have a habit of deleting people I never play with as I have a lot of friends.
Ah right, just remembered seeing you on on my list in black ops, not seen you since it came back on.
Me? No still kevster84. I have a habit of deleting people I never play with as I have a lot of friends.
Just been on blops there the laggy piece of s**t that it is. Lol
im literaly gettin my sweat on, ill as fook. keep muting my mic and throwin up ... so if you see me in SND standing totally still ... thats why!
Ill be on later after Waterloo Road (coz im blatently homo)... Get ready for some SWETY NOOB TUBE & RPG action!! Harpham is coming back!!!
was it you with your CS_ account, if so start using it so i will use it
been using my im on fire account today and been stonkingly good, had some epic skills on a few games, a few flawless ones too. the people on the other side were gob smaked
Geddes is right, Im almost certain it has more range without grip!
Liam what a let down, chuck some solution on em or sit right up against the tv!
I'll be on for a propper session, got no cod yesterday was too busy messing about with me new phone.