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I am so gutted as i write this but yesterday my car was destroyed on a roundabout by a virgin media transit

Spun me 180 degrees and knocked me out,i came too on the roundabout,facing the direction i had just come from with a paramedic and a copper talking to me.

I am truly gutted about this as people that know me and the car know it was in excellent condition and i had just spent all my savings on getting all the belts/dephaser etc done.

I have 2 lumps on my head,a swollen knee,painful shoulder and neck and got taken away in an ambulance.....they were gonna keep me in but released me in the care of a friend,so am recovering there.

Pissed off ain't the word and have spent all of today on the phone with insurance and solicitors etc.

Pics of car at the recovery yard to follow.:(


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry to hear that mate, gutting when your pride and joy is destroyed but at least you are mostly ok.


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250
Never good to hear. At least you're ok. Only metal at the end of the day. Your squishy bits aren't so easily replaceable.


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Sorry to hear this.

It's only metal, at least you came away reasonably unscathed.

Hopefully it will all be settled up and you can get on the hunt for a new one.
You'll get enough compensation for the injurys to get over it. Still a pisser I would be gutted if someone wrote my car off book value is 4000ish but to me worth a lot more.
  PH2 172
If you can,and have somewhere to park it,(alexw`s driveway?) if you dont have one,though there is no reason you cannot park it on the road if its taxed.Pay recovery charges and storage charges and get it home,you can reclaim cost later.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Where there's blame there's a claim.

With Virgin there's usually a lot of blame! lol.

Shame about the Ph1 mate, at least you're alright.
As a further thought, as I was thinking about you/the car.

Do NOT take the first offer the insurance give you, fight for a better figure, yours was a very very clean example, low mileage for one that old, and Ph1's seem to be going up in value these days. Buy it back, and then dump it on my driveway and we'll break it and get you some more money!


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
As a further thought, as I was thinking about you/the car.

Do NOT take the first offer the insurance give you, fight for a better figure, yours was a very very clean example, low mileage for one that old, and Ph1's seem to be going up in value these days. Buy it back, and then dump it on my driveway and we'll break it and get you some more money!

You can drop me a PM if you have any questions. I used to be a total loss engineer so know the offer businesses inside out.
Jeez. Hope you make a speedy recovery. Driving is serious business. None of us ever realise how close we are to disaster.
  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP

well silver lining is that because you were hurt you should be able to claim a crap ton of cash.

then buy a ph1 172 and treat it to everything ;) or buy a new clio sport lol
  Clio Cup
Gutting - Its only Metal and Can be replaced - You however cannot

Was said Virgin Media man in a world of his own
I would imagine on that roundabout hes just straightlined it, not paid attention to whats around or in front of him. Its a dodgy roundabout for sure.

Assuming Its the one I think it is. Will wait for Barry to confirm and tell the full story.


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Sorry to hear about the Op. Must be gutting having your pride and joy ruined!

well silver lining is that because you were hurt you should be able to claim a crap ton of cash.

then buy a ph1 172 and treat it to everything ;) or buy a new clio sport lol

That's not really the attitude to have.

Fair enough if he was seriously injured and was off work or whatever, but claiming over a little bit of pain is f**king pikey imo! I've had heaps of calls asking me to claim, some of them even tell me to lie so I get more money. They are still phoning me nearly 2 years after my accident!
  Clio 172
Gutted for you pal. Just take from it that you are ok. You can always get another car, who could get something better than an old Clio ;) haha. In all honesty, keep your eye out and you will find another to cherish!


realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Sorry to hear about the Op. Must be gutting having your pride and joy ruined!

That's not really the attitude to have.

Fair enough if he was seriously injured and was off work or whatever, but claiming over a little bit of pain is f**king pikey imo! I've had heaps of calls asking me to claim, some of them even tell me to lie so I get more money. They are still phoning me nearly 2 years after my accident!

It's only "pikey" if you're claiming for injuries you don't have where as it's stupid not claiming for injuries you do have tbh.

It's why we all pay insurance....
  Clio 172
It's only "pikey" if you're claiming for injuries you don't have where as it's stupid not claiming for injuries you do have tbh.

It's why we all pay insurance....

People putting in fake claims is why we all pay too much insurance. I agree that putting one in for injuries you do have is worth while, but only if they are preventing your day to day activity!!
image (2).jpeg

this is the front corner as it sits in the yard surrounded by other heaps
image (3).jpeg

this is one of the lumps it doesn't look so bad in this pic lol
I'd defo get a claim in regarding the chunk of hair it seems to have knocked out.

On a serious note - you're ok, that's the main thing.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
People putting in fake claims is why we all pay too much insurance. I agree that putting one in for injuries you do have is worth while, but only if they are preventing your day to day activity!!

Fake claims are just one of many reasons why we all pay what we do... (although I don't really class mine as too much at just over £300!)

Being knocked unconscious like the OP was could cause any number of issues further down the line even if he felt fine to go into work the following day. Memory loss, epilepsy....
head and leg hurts...been docs and got a prescription

after insurance deducts my excess i get a cheque for £875....just have to claim the £650 excess off the other guy

hire car should be here in a day or two.......wonder what i will get(hopefully not a pink micra)
