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Phone Line Rental


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63

Who's your home line rental provider?

I'm currently with BT and find them idiots who enjoy nothing more than ripping people off!!!

Christ I've never known a company to charge £4.50 to pay quarterly!!!


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  500 Bhp Golf R 7.5
It's actually £1.80 a month now, so £5.40 quarterly.

Its called a payment processing fee, because you do not have a direct debit set up. ALL the providers do this. (including gas/elec companies etc..)
set up a direct debit if it bothers you that much..


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Nope that's b****cks, eon don't do it (in fact eon offer a prompt payment discount) and united utilities don't either.

BT are a joke - fact!

DD is a pain in the arse if you share the bills with flat mates!


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  500 Bhp Golf R 7.5
BT are a joke due to a payment processing fee? sure..

Myself and my housemates have a multitude of direct debits and transfer money to each other's accounts when necessary. not really complicated.

The costs of accepting payments is only a small part of the additional costs. Think about the cash flow. Getting payments every month instead of 3 months. Also the cost of chasing late payers is a huge overhead. Virtually all the late payers are quarterly billing customers.

if that's a "joke" then so be it. Or you could just change provider if you hate BT so much.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
I never said transferring money was complicated, a pain yes, complicated no...

Don't feel like you need to give me an education session on the basics of cash flow, I have a degree in Business Management and have worked for a Bank as a consultant for over 8 years so I know enough thanks...

Processing payments obviously costs money however this is normally swallowed up as part of the product pricing structure. The fact that BT feels it’s acceptable to charge £5.40 a quarter is ridiculous. If banks charged customers £5.40 to process CC payments then there would be uproar. The last time I waked into a shop and paid for something I wasn’t charged for using the card terminal, some places do charge for using CC's however 99% of shops (especially the large ones) swallow up this cost. As BT is an extremely large outfit I'd expect them to do the same (they don’t as they know they have a monopoly and can get away with it – I have no doubt that as competition heats up they’ll reduce this cost)...

And to answer your question yes I'm swapping provide hence the original post...
  Bumder With A Buffer
Just something to be aware of...Do you think you will get a better service by switching to say Talk Talk??

You will still be using the same phone line, but will have more of a mission getting stuff sorted if you get an issue with your line for whatever reason. As said if you pay by Direct Debit they get rid of that fee.

You have 2 options..

Direct Debit.
With Direct Debit there's no need to worry about forgetting to pay your bill - the money is simply debited from your bank account each quarter. And, because Direct Debit customers enjoy a £3 discount, your quarterly bill could be only £11.49 (incl. VAT), if you don't exceed your call allowance.


Monthly Payment Plan.
We agree a fixed amount that you'll automatically pay every month from your bank account. This makes budgeting easy, because even if the number of calls goes up and down, your bill stays the same. And, if you pay this way we'll give you a £3 discount - so your quarterly bill could be just £11.49 (incl.VAT), depending on how many calls you make.

Changing provider might be cheaper yes just be carefull as more issues can arise.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Yes mate thats something that I've thought about. TBH its the only thing thats stopped me moving providers already...

O2 now offer home phone line rental (through a BT line) so I was going to give them a bash. I currently O2 for broadband and they have always been very good so I'm hoping they will provide a quality service from a line rental perspective too :)
  Bumder With A Buffer
They might from a billing perspective yes!

Dont be surprised if the quality of "physical service" degrades.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
All valid thanks! I've not heard of BT offering a better "physical service" though - interesting. If this is definitely the case then I'll probably stick with them :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
I don't see the issue, just setup a DD as it is easier to deal with and cheaper?

Sure, plus I'll be moving into my new house around in June so it'll only be me paying the bills - far easier...

I was just interested to know whether there were any other providers out there that offer a similar quality of service for a cheaper price (every penny counts and all that shizzle)...
