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Phones4U Small print (knobbers).


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
Here's a question. Had a T-Mobile Contract and the same number - for 8+ years.

So get a new T-Mobile deal via Phones4U and hidden - deep in the small print is you cannot port your number from 1 plan to another in the same network.

So, (Prepare for long winded crap) can I port my old number from T-Mobile to a Voda/O2 Pay as you go, then - Port it from there to my new T-Mobile account?

Cheers folks.


ClioSport Club Member
You should be able to!

Ring up T-Mobile on your old sim card and ask for the PAC code for the number.

Either try ringing them back on the new contract and ask to change your number with the following PAC code blah blah.

Or as you said, transfer to another carriers SIM and then back to T-Mobile.


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
Aye - T-Mobile lass said it cannot be done - Phones4U were unhelpful, so going the PAYG route - which appears to be a simple result. Might take longer than normal - but I'd rather keep the old number :)

should have just upgraded with t-mobile.

With voda you have to stay connected for at least 30 days to stop people jumping on and off. So check others as well.

Id go back into p4u myself just to be awkward and make them sort it out


ClioSport Club Member
should have just upgraded with t-mobile.

With voda you have to stay connected for at least 30 days to stop people jumping on and off. So check others as well.

Id go back into p4u myself just to be awkward and make them sort it out

The deal with P4U was probably better than the upgrade offered!

On that note, it is always worth giving the 'Disconnections' department a ring. Apparently they 'work on different protocols' the last time I needed an upgrade, and they were more than happy to give me what I wanted, plus a little more!
There are downsides to the way you have done it but at least you have the phone you want.

Just make sure you port to a payg sim that will let you leave straight away. Id ring t-mobile directly and ask them for advice, as they might be able to sort something.
Phones4U are c**ts. End of.

Anyway, I believe Orange issue PAC codes immediately if you have just transferred in.

Ben: How do Voda get around the new rule that PAC codes have to be issued to a customer within 2 hours of requesting?


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
Tried T-Mobile directly - the Welsh lass was really apologetic but stated it couldn't be done - annoyingly. I'll get it sorted - slowly lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
Ordered a Freedom Freebee thing - seems to fit the bill.
  Ph2 Clio 172
You have never been able to port your number within the same network from one plan to a plan of the same payment type. Its not just a T Mobile thing. You cant do it on any network from one Pay monthly plan to another. The whole idea of 'porting' a number is to remove it from one network provider to move to another.

You can usually go from a Pay monthly to a PAYG and back to a Pay monthly in the same network though. Easiest route by far is to just get a GiffGaff SIM and just port onto that and back again. Porting into GiffGaff takes a couple of days, and porting out is 1 press of a button on their website.
  Listerine & Poledo
why would you port your number inside the same network?

you'd just change tariff.

and all networks have tariff-drop limits, to stop people getting a top-whack phone then dropping tariff to pay £15 a month for it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
why would you port your number inside the same network?

you'd just change tariff.

and all networks have tariff-drop limits, to stop people getting a top-whack phone then dropping tariff to pay £15 a month for it.

T-Mobile didn't have the phone I wanted - so had to go through P4U for it - i'll get there in the end lol
  Listerine & Poledo
Yep, I get that.
What is it you're actually trying to do? Lower your tariff? Port a new number in?
port your old number out to another network? If so, then you'll still be tied to the contract and need to pay off whatever is remaining of the minimum term
  Listerine & Poledo

Right, yes, you can do that. I ported my voda number to T-=Mobile via Virgin (for all of 2 days).

But I'm confused, do P4U not do T-Mob upgrade anymore?


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
Upgrade - that's exactly what I had in mind - but it was the only Network P4U don't do upgrades for! How sh1te/crazy is that!?

If I were on Voda, no probs - O2, no probs and so on. But T-Mobile for some reason - no upgrade options available!
