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Photography Chat and Questions Thread


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Anyone have any suggestions to any books, magazines or videos to help me use my camera better? Its a D3200 with a 18-55mm and 55-200 lens iirc. I want to be able to take pictures and look at them to understand where im going wrong.

Read the stickies in this section, take photos and then post pics up. If you want crit - say so. If you want help with anything, say so.

I've never read a page of a 'how to' book. Everybody started from zero experience once and EVERYBODY has still got things to learn.

Just use it and get on with it !

This looks horribly complex, but if you look at it in detail it will begin to make sense when you start taking photos. Personally unless I'm shooting motorsport of long exposure night shots my camera lives in Aperture Priority ('A') mode



South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
This looks horribly complex, but if you look at it in detail it will begin to make sense when you start taking photos. Personally unless I'm shooting motorsport of long exposure night shots my camera lives in Aperture Priority ('A') mode

Same for me .. I leave it in Ap. prio 80%+ of the time.

Great diagram BTW :)
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking at my next lens purchase and have a question regarding EF and EF-S lenses.

I did do a Google and found a very useful Wiki article:

But I was hoping to get some absolute clarity before I make my most expensive lens purchase yet.

So, what I gather from that article is that EF lens will fit anything whilst EF-S lenses will only fit cameras with crop sensors.

Is that true?

I currently have a 600D but plan on moving up to a FF 5/7D in the next 12 months. I want to start purchasing glass with the next camera purchase in mind.

Thank you!

Oooo, that's a nifty little tip! Cheers fella. Turns out that only my telephoto isn't an EF then. That's the lens I plan on upgrading, so that's neat!

Cheers James. :)

Oh, and I now know that the 7D is an APS-C sensor, which I didn't know before. Assumed all the XD range were FF. >.<


ClioSport Club Member
I think other than my 50mm I'll be getting L glass for my 5D, after using James's 135 F2L for London the difference is clear.
Which pics are those Niall? I'd be interested in seeing which in particular were with L glass.

James, I noticed the 6D was FF. Amazing price for a FF really... It's very tempting! I was going to get a used 5D eventually, but for £1600 brand new the 6D is very tempting.

Does anyone know the drawbacks of a 6D when compared to a 5D?
Ultimately, at the end of 22 minutes, there's not much in it. But because of the aliasing issue I'd be tempted to get the 5D MK3.
What lenses to people have in theyre bag and use most?
Im looking to get a 300mm or similar and a wide angle lense.

Atm i have the Nikkor 18-55mm and 55-200mm both came with the camera.
Would the Nikon 55-300mm be a good addition? Im going to the Ascension Islands for 4 months in September so want to get as much wildlife and scenery shots as i can.
When i come back i want to start looking at motorsport and aircraft.
Would this wide angle be decent for doing time lapses and night time star shots? Nikon AF 28mm
If these are rubbish suggestions what is recommended?

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Sigma 10-20 is a good shout for the wide angle. The 28mm might to be wide enough (is your crop?)
Would be cracking to take with you for some star shots. Plenty of dark skies there I imagine!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, I'm not clued up with Nikon numbers.
The 28mm on a crop sensor will be equivalent to 44mm so not very wide.

I use a Sigma 10-20 mm and this was shot at 10mm (16mm equivalent)


Duke under the stars by A_Cro, on Flickr

Cracking lens for the money. Or you could try the Tonika 11-16 F2.8


ClioSport Club Member
The above mentioned Sigma 10-20 is fantastic, don’t bother with the f3.5 version, it’s more money and supposedly less sharp. The Tokina is also excellent and you get that F2.8 aperture - but of course, that comes with a premium.

These were some of mine with my old D7000 & 10-20 combo


AG Clio 200 by Niall97, on Flickr


Liverpool Cathedral by Niall97, on Flickr


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Got bored and painted my spare lens cap last night....


Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Put together a very quick timelapse from the other nights star trails. Image quality is crap due to the free software putting it out at max 360p.
If anyone knows of any decent free software that can put timelapse together then please let me know.

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South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Put together a very quick timelapse from the other nights star trails. Image quality is crap due to the free software putting it out at max 360p.
If anyone knows of any decent free software that can put timelapse together then please let me know.

GoPro CineForm Studio .. :) Or iMovie - put the pictures in there in sequence, but 0.1s each .. see how you get on :)
  White APE
I'm off to RIAT on the Sunday with me dad. Finally get to test my big Siggy for what I bought it for. Hope it work out well!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Two more timelapses today. Put together in the Go Pro software and set it to 10 FPS. Not sure why but I keep getting a green bar along the bottom of the screen. Must be some setting that I am not seeing.
Shot with the Canon 550 and a 50mm 1.8 (shot at F4 I think) in JPEG on a homemade motorised slider. Set the intervalometer to one shot every two seconds.

Put this one on to Auto focus which probably wasn't the best as it missed a few frames while trying to focus.

Shot of the rig. Basic but it works.
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ClioSport Club Member
Yes, that’s the AF-D version, so it doesn’t have the autofocus motor that the others you’re looking at have, that means that it won’t autofocus on your D3000 also.
