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Photography Chat and Questions Thread

  Clio 182
Bit too expensive for me really lol I'm going to the nurburgring in June and want to be taking so motorsport pictures obviously, I have the 55 - 200 mm lens, will that be good enough for some panning shots etc?
I know Samyang make one that everybody rates highly, but there’s no autofocus, you’d have to manually focus it. The only autofocus AF lens for your camera would be the Nikon 10.5mm as far as I know, and that’s quite expensive.

I've owned the Samyang, great lens. I was very concerned as it my first manual lens, but as it's a fisheye it's almost impossible to take an out of focus shot with it, even at fairly wide apertures everything more than about 2ft in front of you is in focus anyway.

That said, the Nikon 10.5 is also a peach, buy one used and you wouldn't lose anything on it if you hated it. One of my favourite photos was taken with it...


Went on Holiday... by Harry_S, on Flickr
That is a really good picture Harry.
Been playing with the idea of a fish eye for a while. But they are so expensive.

Was thinking of a fish eye and a infrared combo, help me being a little more creative.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Great pic Harry.
I'm borrowing my mates fisheye for my NY trip next month. I'll look at buying one over there too as he paid under £200 for his opteka lens delivered from Brooklyn cameras.
Should be able to haggle some discount from what I've been told.


ClioSport Club Member
I bought my second hand Sigma 15mm F2.8 Fisheye for £350 second hand, so not utterly ridiculous in terms of price. It does require the in camera motor though, not an in-lens one.
  Clio 182
Tried my hand at a bit of light painting tonight on my 182 and just cannot seem to get my settings right on the camera e.g. ISO and aperture. Was trying for 30 second exposures and it just wasn't happening the way I've seen it on here. Was using a decent big led torch light.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
What settings were you using? Iso? Apature?
A decent torch helps buy I've seen pictures lit up by a phones torch.
  Clio 182
I tried it with highest aperture think it allowed me up to f22 and then tried a few different ISO levels but just didn't seem to come out very well at all compared to ones I've seen niall do etc

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Like TEG says, read the stickies.

For light painting, Try f4, 30 seconds, Iso 100. Light the car with a torch for 15-20 seconds.
Then have a play with the settings. Higher iso, more light from the torch etc.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Cheers guys thanks. I did look in the stickies but must have missed it

There are no rules to photography... as such. No two situations wil be the same.

Read up on the stickies on here - practice even in your lounge. Put it in one mode, such as aperture priority - leave everything else alone and see what happens when you change the aperture number.

As I've said before - if you want help, just ask. I don't think you're too far away from me (Laindon).
  Clio Williams
Does anyone experience with Canon EF 35 f/2 (non IS) on an APS-C body ? I could buy a second hand one at a reasonable price. I read a lot about this lens, I know it has got some weaknesses, but its IQ is very good. Especially for that price. Comments are welcome :)
  Clio Williams
Thanks. This is why I would like to replace my Canon 50/1.8 MkII for this lens. 50mm on a non FF body is a bit awkward for indoor use IMO.
  Italian 3.2 V6
That's nice IQ with the sigma.

interesting as the 35 f2 is the next lens I'm looking at too for the exact same reason/setup
  172 and vw passat
ye i got that too. click the image and it says something like restricted photo but just accept it and the photo will appear.
I have come to the conclusion that the Tamron 28-75 f2.8 lens is one the biggest lens bargains out there. I'm not sure if there is anything else that comes close to the money it costs (bar primes).

I was on the fence when I first got it. No image stabiliser, and so small and light for a constant f2.8. Couldn't have been more wrong. I have got a very sharp copy, the zoom is excellent and has a lock switch too.

If you are after a constant f2.8 on a budget, then look no further. IQ may not be quite as good as the Nikon version, but you would have to pixel peep or be printing pretty bloody big to notice. Plus the Nikon is 3-4 times the price and twice as heavy. Also it does not have VR either.

Its now now become my standard lens, shooting anything from action to portraits and safe in the knowledge that the lens has 5 year warranty. Also is has a small filter size so the filter from my old 16-85vr fits straight on.

Talking about the 16-85vr, the Tamron is about the same size and weight.

Anyway, will stop the ramble!
£359 from wex.

Can be a lot cheaper if you don't mind imports but the warranty sold me on the UK version.

This was the 2nd copy as the first had a really loose zoom ring. 2nd one is spot on and been through about 2000 shots so for if not more.

Was very useful lens for indoor action too.
  Twingo Dynamique
Hey folks... I'm going to a black tie dinner on Friday, and have been asked to take some pictures!!

As yet I'm unsure on the amount of light in there, so have borrowed my dad's flash gun... Neither of us really know how to use it, and I'm unsure whether it has an auto function! (It's very old haha)

Any hints or tips for both indoor and/or flash use and setup would be thoroughly grateful :) cheers
  Twingo Dynamique
Yeah I know there will be loads out there... Just I kinda trust/think it's easier to ask you folks on here!! Haha

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Try and get as much use of it before hand to check the settings.
Bounce it off the ceiling /walls. Maybe get a diffuser too?
Take lots of spare batteries.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Don't point the flash directly at the subject either, as you'll get some nasty shadows appearing behind them.

Have a play around with it like Aaron says, to get used to it.

What camera and flash is it?
  Twingo Dynamique
550D I'll look at the flash when I get home. I understand about bouncing off the ceiling :) anything I can use as a diffuser other than a proper one?? This flash is super old, it has like a slider for different apertures or something? Not sure how it works haha :) should be a laugh experimenting with it!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I've got an old one with aperture select on it. Also the flash pulls in and out for different focal lengths. I've not used mine for anything important really, just to light up foregrounds while light painting.
Maybe tracing /grease proof paper might work as a diffuser?
