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Plastic Bodywork Fasteners

  Clio RS 182
I've broken the black plastic fastener that holds down the top of the grill on a 182. It's the one with the screw head centre thing that's supposed to pop up when you turn it.... This one didn't!

Before I wander into my nearest Renault dealer (25miles away) does anyone know if it's actually possible to buy these or is it a sucking in of the cheeks job, a deep sigh and a "we'll have to order them and they come in boxes of 100 at £100 a box and we can't split a box" job :eek:
  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
Just dont use them, their not nessecary needed as the bumper holds the grill in place fine,

But you could try Halfords, im sure if seen some there next to the gromit's etc,


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
They will be Renault parts but you could find something to fit it in the mean time.

I posted a couple to DA on here a while back, I have lots of spares.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
One of mine is cable tied and I'm sure I have seen very similar ones in halfords, just can't be bothered to sort it at the moment!
  r26 , 182
Bought two for my clio as i changed the standard 1.2 grill for a rs one , and the clips cost me 2.75 for 2 :eek:
