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Post your stick on number plate pics please!

  172 Cup
I'd like to see as many styles of number plates which are stick on (non-screw) as I'm thinking of changing mine cause they look good. Thanks guys.
Velcro here aswell, but got pulled and fined for it


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  Liquid Yellow 182
Here's mine, stuck on with industrial double sided tape stuff. Bit boring compared to the other guys :) ^^


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  R5gtt, 182, volvo...
i'd not bother as the old Bill WILL fine you and make you change them... they got me for a set, £30 or so down the sh1tter..

they are really clamping down as its an easy fine on us boyracer types and everyone and his dogs done the plate spacing above.. i think there are only 4 styles of plate allowed or something..

if you getting them for show use only i spotted someone on a clio forum with stamped metal black plates and they were class....
  Liquid Yellow 182
I've never been stopped for mine in two years. I've been pulled about four times for other stuff, and they did mention them once, but just kinda told me it was spaced wrong and sent me on my way!
  172 Cup
Thanks for the replies. I'm not going to do any crazy spacing or whatever, I don't even have a private plate. I just want a normal number plate without the screw holes. :)

I can't see me getting pulled for that.
  172 Cup
dangerous dave said:
thats what i got fined for...

Yea but you've got a different font. All's I'm saying is, if I had a completely legit looking number plate, whether it was stuck on with screws, velcro or the power of prayer shouldn't make a blind bit of difference. Not taking into consideration the fact that you probably wouldn't notice the missing screw holes.

I just want a smoother look. Thanks middo, yours is exactly what I'm after. You ever been pulled?
  172 Cup
I very much doubt it to be honest. The law is obviously more centred around the lettering and spacing issues. Plus it's not hard for a stick-on number plate to go un-noticed.
  172 Cup
Thanks for all the replies guys. I went out and bought some today, stuck them on with Halfords' velcro ;) They look ten times better than before.
  Chocolate Bar™
pecan said:
Yea but you've got a different font. All's I'm saying is, if I had a completely legit looking number plate, whether it was stuck on with screws, velcro or the power of prayer shouldn't make a blind bit of difference. Not taking into consideration the fact that you probably wouldn't notice the missing screw holes.

I just want a smoother look. Thanks middo, yours is exactly what I'm after. You ever been pulled?

I have but for apprently having no insurance with the private plate. All he said about the plate was that the plate is technically 'illegal due to spacing' however he said that he wouldnt pull me for it, and he actually recommended to me to attach the plate using velcro, and keeping a completly legal one in the back so i can claim ignorance that i was on my way back from a show. They cant pull u if u can change the plate to a legal one in under a minute :approve:
no it aint illegal my clio came from renault with out screws so it was on with sticky strips but the corner kept coming away so use industrial spray adhesive worked a trick!! u'll be fine with that.
  BMW 330D
JLO said:
crappy pics. but u get the idea :)
i got my private plates today
i got them to cut done the plates too :)


wtf were u doin when u were takin these pics???. looks like u were jumpin up and down lol its tht out of focus. welcome to the private reg club btw!
JLO plz help ur cars has had tinits put in. I've booked ma baby in for tints to be done nxt tuesday and wondered wats best combination % of light wise i was thinking 35% on front and 20% on back how does that sound obviously this car wouldn't be driven on the road as that would be illegal just for use on my own 8 mile stretch of private road!!
oh me cars black lol if dat makes any diff.
LadySarah said:
I've never been stopped for mine in two years. I've been pulled about four times for other stuff, and they did mention them once, but just kinda told me it was spaced wrong and sent me on my way!
That's because you have b00bs.
  Leon Cupra 300
im going to do this, need new plates mine are looking tatty! think velcro will be used atleast using that you can remove and re do if get it a bit wonky! how much velcro people actually using?
