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Pressure washer recommendations?


ClioSport Club Member
  Hyundai Santa Fe


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Any recommendations for about £100. Won’t get used that often, just for cleaning van/car once a month.


ClioSport Club Member
I need to get a new pressure washer as mine died the other day.
It was a gift last year and was a MucOff motorbike one, although it did come with three lance attachements with varying degress of nozzle pressure. One for a car, another for a motorbike and another low pressure for bicycle. Tbh it was pretty good for a bike cleaner due to the lower pressure lances but still beefy enough to clean a driveway (ish).
But the issue I have is that got a tap installed in my garage, it is spured off the main water inlet for my flat (coach house above the garage) and is about 6" away from the main stopcock (this is the only place it can go as the mains water pipe is exposed for about 2' from the groud before it dissapears into a cavity in the wall). But for some reason the water pressure coming out of the outside tap can be a bit tempermental and drops. You could hear the pressure washer struggling at times and spin the motor with no water coming through, I always turned if off when it did this as I know that it would kill it. Water pressure in the house is fine though and I am not running the washing machine or dishwasher to take water pressure from the tap. And the other day it died.

Anyway....I need a new pressure washer. Are there some that can handle this kind of water supply pressure variations better than others? Basically want a like a swirl pot for it
Not heard of the brands that have been mentioned in this thread. And I love the set up @Sidnancy has! If I was in a more permanent home/garage I would look at doing something similar.

Sir Nancy Flowers

ClioSport Club Member
To be honest, I would be trying to sort out the water pressure situation before buying a PW. I say this because I've never come across a PW that is gonna handle a sudden drop of pressure and as you know, this can kill them. I'm sure this is why so many Kartchers go bang. Always drain the pressure out of them once you're done using them and never run them dry ;). That said, there is a solution. A swirl pot if you will.

My one, Direct Hoses All Black 7 (or 9 I don't remember) can run from a bucket. So, in theory, you could buy a massive 25L drum, fill it up with the tap and then run your PW from that. As long as you keep an eye on the level, its never gonna run dry. Gotta be worth a shot! Good luck


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I bought this in the end, in typical CS style I ignored all the advice given.

was £120 on offer. Not used it jet but feels good quality.


ClioSport Club Member
To be honest, I would be trying to sort out the water pressure situation before buying a PW. I say this because I've never come across a PW that is gonna handle a sudden drop of pressure and as you know, this can kill them. I'm sure this is why so many Kartchers go bang. Always drain the pressure out of them once you're done using them and never run them dry ;). That said, there is a solution. A swirl pot if you will.

My one, Direct Hoses All Black 7 (or 9 I don't remember) can run from a bucket. So, in theory, you could buy a massive 25L drum, fill it up with the tap and then run your PW from that. As long as you keep an eye on the level, its never gonna run dry. Gotta be worth a shot! Good luck
I think that is going to be the problem as it could be a bigger issue with the water supply/pipes that is out of my control. Hmm will have a rethink. If i can't get the water pressure sorted I will not bother getting one until I move as I can see it happening again.
It was always drained, mainly as I have carpet in my garage and didn't want it to get wet! Also don't have room for a 25L drum but that would be a good solution really.

But have just been looking at the Nolfisk ones, seem good value!


ClioSport Club Member
It’s not glamorous and won’t earn any cred with the neighbours or on internet forums, but you won’t find better value than one of these:

Yes they do break but buy the the extended warranty for £21 and you have a decent tool for at least three years for £76. They use a Lavor fitting so are compatible with various attachments.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I’m after a pressure washer. But can’t get power or water to it.

Doesn’t need to be massively powerful. Mainly for blasting pigeon s**t/pigeons off my balconies but also to wash my windows and of course to generally wash the car (which is where the lack of water/power issue really comes from).

There’s a few options, main ones I think are the Bosch Fontus which is pretty hefty but has a good sized tank but weirdly uses a tiny 2.5ah 18v battery, the Karcher OC3 which I think probably isn’t going to cut it but is a lot smaller, or something like a Worx Hydroshot and a bucket, but I don’t think they’re as powerful.

Anyone got any ideas or experience?


ClioSport Club Member
I’m after a pressure washer. But can’t get power or water to it.

Doesn’t need to be massively powerful. Mainly for blasting pigeon s**t/pigeons off my balconies but also to wash my windows and of course to generally wash the car (which is where the lack of water/power issue really comes from).

There’s a few options, main ones I think are the Bosch Fontus which is pretty hefty but has a good sized tank but weirdly uses a tiny 2.5ah 18v battery, the Karcher OC3 which I think probably isn’t going to cut it but is a lot smaller, or something like a Worx Hydroshot and a bucket, but I don’t think they’re as powerful.

Anyone got any ideas or experience?
I've got the worx hydro shot, it's decent enough, cleaned the patio at the front well enough


ClioSport Club Member
Cool. Do you just run it out of a bucket or off a hose?

I've used it with both, and there isn't a difference in pressure whichever feed method you use.

The 2amp battery doesn't last that long but at the time I bought the jetwash I also had some other worx tools and therefore batteries so it wasn't an issue.

You can definitely get one full car wash out of it or a medium sized patio if fully charged


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Standard CS, I’ve just bought a Bosch Fontus instead. Looking at videos it should be enough for my needs, should make my life significantly easier.

Price here was actually pretty decent, cheaper than elsewhere definitely.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Standard CS, I’ve just bought a Bosch Fontus instead. Looking at videos it should be enough for my needs, should make my life significantly easier.

Price here was actually pretty decent, cheaper than elsewhere definitely.

Sounds like a disease 🤣


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
She chooches quite nicely actually. Obviously not as powerful as a proper power washer but plenty enough power for what I need. One tank did half my balcony and it’s still on 3 bars of battery so that’s a win.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member

First proper car clean with it.

Used about 4 tanks if I remember right, had another probably 3/4 of a tank left in the hog at the end too, and I really wasn’t trying to conserve water (like f**k was I going to carry it back with me), but a tank would do one rinse I reckon. Only used 2/3rds battery.

it absolutely RIPPED through the detergent bottle, not sure if that’s right but it did make reasonably good foam. Might have to test the draw through ratio because I’m not sure I believe the quoted 3 to 1.

I’m really quite impressed, I think it’s still early days for battery powered pressure washers but it’s already good enough to do a car with and that means I can give my car a proper wash at home for the first time in forever.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
The god tier combination of crocs and socks? Don't hate me cause you ain't me

Honestly that balcony was minging, I wasn't going to walk on it until I'd cleaned it with anything less.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Ol’ faithful out for another rip. It’s actually really good.


I’ve got down to using a bit under two tanks but that was with iron-x ing the wheels and being a bit wasteful.


ClioSport Club Member
My mate has a kranzl and it's a cracking bit of kit, I love how quiet it is, I keep saying I'll get one when my K4 dies but so far it's about 9 years old and is still going like it's brand new, key is strong water pressure and empty it when done. I leave mine setup in the garage with a 15m hose drilled thru the wall that reaches up to the street and round the cars


ClioSport Club Member
Just bought an Ava since my child adopted my K4. I settled on the 'easy' model because it comes with a 12m hose. The whole ava line up is massively confusing though, they have far too many machines and accessorie packages to scrutinise. Won't be testing it until next weekend though unfortunately.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Replaced the 6m hose on my k4 for a 15m. What a revelation, makes a huge difference now I’m not having to lug the unit round the car when I need to change sides.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Replaced the 6m hose on my k4 for a 15m. What a revelation, makes a huge difference now I’m not having to lug the unit round the car when I need to change sides.

Is the hose fairly flexible? Mine is quite stiff and tends to t**t the car whenever I turn around

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Is the hose fairly flexible? Mine is quite stiff and tends to t**t the car whenever I turn around
Yep pretty flexible, it’s still new so need to straighten it out a bit as it gets a bit tangled. Was only £15 so can’t complain tbh.
