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Price of tax!

  Polo Bluemotion
Just been to tax my car today and was shocked. I was rather smug knowing its only £50 for the year, but got to the post office, and the lady told me that was wrong. Its been reduced this year to £35!! I cant stop grinning,lol
  Polo Bluemotion
clio media?
Maybe he's going to give us a pic of the tax disc ?? ;)
tax disc.jpg

Haha, that better???


Northern Ireland
ClioSport Area Rep
  Williams, Focus RS
For the williams mines £180 for the year, and the same for the pug 306
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
ive just done mine online for the 106, £140 for the year

no idea on the clio, tis SORN'd at the mo and will be staying that way for a while yet!
  Skoda Octavia VRs
£205 for the 182... It's a complete and utter fkn scandal...

You could find the Lost City of Atlantis in some of the Potholes in the roads up here...

Grrr :mad:
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I just paid £205 for the 225, I'm getting rid of it in six weeks and have had to pay another £205 for the new car. :( To make matters worse I'll only be doing around 3/4000 miles this coming year.
  Ford Puma
Tax is tax we'll never get away from it. I will like to see what they charge when we are all driving around in electric cars!
  Leon Cupra 300
I just paid £205 for the 225, I'm getting rid of it in six weeks and have had to pay another £205 for the new car. :( To make matters worse I'll only be doing around 3/4000 miles this coming year.

When you chip the car in pocket the tax disc! Then run down to the nearest post office with it and seen as though you got a years worth in the first place you'll get 100% of the remaining back!:cool:
  Leon Cupra 300
^ That's only what they will do... (BMW do that, so i'm guessing it's the same across the industry)

Used cars are priced without tax.
i dont agree with this band A tax either the polo bluemotion 1's in it i'm not sure what else but its a disgrace that they dont have to pay any tax atall i mean what if everyone bought one there would be no money to maintain the roads etc i think th minimum should be the band B £35
  Meg on pistonheads £6995
as well as running on fresh air they'll also see off a Scooby..........

I had one up my ar*e yesterday from Cambridge to Bedford and I kept pulling away from him up to 100+

When he came up really close at a roundabout, it had no bonnet scoop

a near full WRC replica with a standard 2.0L 123bhp n/a engine then!

He must have been chuffed at 'almost' staying with what he probably thought was a smokey 172

I was happy at beating a scooby, albeit a weedy one (on paper about the same as re-mapped dCi - 9's to 60 and 120)
  Golf R
its factored into the deal though.

i'd call and check... tbh most dealers will cash that tax in and then the buyer of your old car will then have to pay to tax it themselves. it's an easy couple of hundred for the dealer to make if you leave it on
