step away from the spanners!
For anyone in future who has r****d moments like this, just jack the car up on the middle of the beam as high as it will go, place axle stands either side, then lower the jack completely and the springs will pop out.
step away from the spanners!
LOL, my thoughts exactly.
step away from the spanners!
i think it was just the fact it is quite obvious to most people how to remove the springs and from what you said in your OP you had just jacked it up and expected them to fall out without lowering the rear beam.
Lesson learnt.
I like this man's style...If you can't be arsed with all that jacking b****cks just get the grinder out.
Angle grinding a set of springs under load?
Suck my balls.
This was a success all round <3
This man has obviously never worked on a 306 D Turbo before...Angle grinding a set of springs under load?
I'm unsure wether that level of r****d is unlocked yet?
Angle grinding a set of springs under load?
I'm unsure wether that level of r****d is unlocked yet?
I like this man's style...
Cheaper than coilovers too
This man has obviously never worked on a 306 D Turbo before...