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Query Active Directory

How do you guys go about it?

Need to write a program that grabs some information from each user, and depending on that, it provides them different word templates.

We currently have a script that we have to edit everytime someone new starts or a new version of office is released, imagine changing all the arrays and so......

Any help appreciated.

p.s already looked on google and researched............

Bit out of my field of expertise.... Can't you just use the policy to provide different templates though?

Policy templates here

More info from MS here

We are in the process of doing the same at work but I have given the templates to our system manager and will let him sort the rest out.
Dutch, thanks very much for your reply.

I will investigate further and have a look on how to go about it.

Not sure if I should use LDAP or an alternative method.

Thanks again,

basically, each template is different for each user (in terms of name), and currently the application for the Application.UserName and replaces it with the user credentials.

Must be a better way through AD so it just grabs the details.
