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Quick Blackberry messenger question...

...Been trawling through google etc... but no luck so thought id ask you guys.

Ive removed a contact from my blackberry messenger list, does this mean that I wont show up on there blackberry neither? or will I still be on there for them to contact?

  Bus w**ker
I think it removes you from all lists but I'm not 100%. If you're on 5.0 add me and test it.


If you're not then 25698A6E.
how do I know what version of BBM I have?

Also just added you mate, so ill message you in a minute when you accept, then remove u, then can tou tell me if im still on the list?! cheers
  Bus w**ker
If it looks like this then you're on 5.0 -

Although more than likely you'll be on 4.6 still, as 5.0 hasn't officially been released.

Anyway, you've not gone from my list again so it works.
do us a favour please mate, if im still on your list.... try and send me a message and ill see if it still delivers too me!?
  Audi TT
As said above if you remove someone you drop off their list. Has been like this for version 4 and 5. :)

Anyway get your ass on version 5. Full size pic sending FTFW! :D

Soz Si just added you. Gotta love playing with the barcodes :eek:
  Bus w**ker
Sy, hate to tell you this, but Turbo no longer exists ;)
lol Old screen shot that mate from the first days of BBM 5.0...although that said Turbo is currently "Available". Did you forget to wipe the phone before you sold it?


I might chat to "Turbo".

Oh and I'm also on a Bold.
