Countersunk bolts grip in very well, due to the big surface area of the countersink.... Before you attempt to undo them you should always give them a good smack with a brass/ali drift and a hammer, it just helps to break the hold.
And with torx bits, you shouldnt really use a impact gun tbh, rounds them really easy, after a good tap like mentioned above they souldnt be to tight, just get on them with a 1/2" bar keeping the bit pressed in tight with one hand so it doesnt slip out and round.
Now, uve already rounded it totally.... so get a center punch, make sure its got a good point on it (dont use a screw driver please!) Knock the punch into the bolt and just try and tap it around, U wont have any easy outs and short or drilling it out, thats all you can do really.. good luck!