so the bodyshop laquered a primed bumper? :S
No. Basically, it needed a base coat.
He Sprayed it and laquered it, and it looked a little off colour. Then he went back to his paint supplier and they said to him it needed a basecoat aswel as primer, paint and laquer
what youre saying dont make sense mate.
you say the bloke said "you didnt tell him it needed a basecoat"
but then you say "he sprayed it and laquered it".
if he sprayed and laquered it, it will have had a basecoat.
what i think you are confusing, im guessing, is groundcoat and basecoat.
im also guessing your car is a 3 stage paint which requires a groundcoat for covering potential and to achieve the right shade. without the groundcoat it will be very transparent and be heavily affected by metamerism too.
its down to the painter to check if its 3 stage, 2 stage or single stage, not you. if hes getting his paint mixed elsewhere, then they will say this paint requires a groundcoat.
and if im really honest, all that aside, it just sounds like hes fucked the colour up and is giving you the old BS story to fob you off.