Hey all,
I'm trying to make a simple web site for a friend. I am using frame (I know some folk don't like these but they seem to be the simplest solution to what I need).
Basically, I have a web page with a top fram and a bottom frame. The top frame will be used as a header and the bottom frame as a body. However, when I resize the browser window, the dividing boader between top and bottom moves and either creates a huge gap or covers the header depending on if I resize the window to be bigger or smaller. Is there anyway to stop this?
I'm trying to make a simple web site for a friend. I am using frame (I know some folk don't like these but they seem to be the simplest solution to what I need).
Basically, I have a web page with a top fram and a bottom frame. The top frame will be used as a header and the bottom frame as a body. However, when I resize the browser window, the dividing boader between top and bottom moves and either creates a huge gap or covers the header depending on if I resize the window to be bigger or smaller. Is there anyway to stop this?