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RB182 + Silver Turinis + Sportlines (before and after pics)

Did put this in my progress thread, but thought it deserved a thread of its own!

Well I've had sportlines for my 182 lying around for a while, and yesterday I picked up some silver turinis (Renault) to replace my anthracite Speedline ones.
I thought whilst I was doing that I might as well fit my sportlines.

The top picture I went out and got quickly, the bottom are comparison pictures.
When I first dropped it down I thought it had dropped a nice amount, but looking at my comparison photos, its looks to have hardly changed at all!

But still. Chuffed to bits with my Silver Turinis. RB + Silver FTW!

Haven't got many pictures, will get out and take some proper ones soon:
This one is my favourite:


Then the comparisons:



  Titanium 182
So much cleaner!

And dw, the Eibach's will settle more - mine look much lower than that now!

Edit: here's a picture of mine side on (albeit on standard 182 wheels, despite being the same size they do give it a different stance)

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ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
I fitted my Sportlines this weekend too. I'm liking that the ride isn't harsh at all but you can tell it's been dropped, but I swear the std cup springs were lower at the rear! The front's are defo lower but the back has gone up 15mm or so. Hope they settle more!
  RB 182 Cup
They look great.

I bought some black Clio Williams wheels last year for my RB Cup and I've now just decided their next colour, cheers
Cheers for the comments guys!
Yea I love the silver. Definitely looks so clean and fresh on RB imo!

I love how it looks in the top photo, the others aren't very good, but only did them for comparison really.
not really fussed about the height, its definitely dropped slightly. But just over the moon with the alloys! Smitten :approve:


ClioSport Club Member
You are clearly a man of good taste :)

The sportlines look much better once settled.
  Looking for 182
Silver Turinis look awesome, good choice!

Makes me wonder if silver Turinis on my Arctic would look better than Anthracite.
  Clio 182 Cup
Dam you and your post. I was just talking myself round to the fact that my 182 on original wheels looked good, but now I need something different but I don't know what. Silver does look good on RB time to get better at photoshop and find some wheels I can now try on the car.
