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Rear bulb holder issue, brake light out


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
Quicky guys,

Rear o/s brake light out, took the light out changed the bulb however it will not twist and lock into place, any ideas why?


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
So the bulb is swapped over, or have you got that to do yet?
Sorry pal been stuck in work unable to reply!

I've tried to insert the bulb - other came out OK but it will not rotate to securely fit ie the little dimples on the bulb will not rotate and fit into the holder.


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
Dimples on the bulb are offset aren't they?

Have you tried the other way?
Yeah tried twisting both ways but it won't engage, there is a slight 'slit' on the bulb holder that the dimples twists into but it doesnt look right on one side to me but not 100% sure tbh.

Odd one, all the other bulbs go in fine.


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
Must be that particular bulb
The old bulb that was in won't go back in! So it rules that out, going to check the n/s holder as something ain't right, shouldn't have this much trouble putting a bulb in lol


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Take the light off the car and into the house. Everything's much easier sat at a table.

You're turning it the right way, yeah?


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
Thanks all for the comments and it being French it's started to work today after doing the sum of sweet fa to it!

Quirky things as they get older ain't they lol!
