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Rear Speakers

  Clio 172 Cup
Not had a chance to look yet and it's too cold at the moment to go and see!

How easy and the panels to access and remove? Hopefully they are as easy as the fronts, but I don't want to bank on it.
  "Navy" N17 TWO
They just pop out with a wee tug

The whole doorcard is a different matter - it's a French car so prepare for lots of awkwardness :clown:
  Clown Car
Yeah the grilles just pop out, there should be enough room to pop out the grilles above the rear bench but if you want more room to work, why not just tilt the bench forward or if they are a 60/40 split like the 182's just remove alltogether, takes a few seconds.

Good thing about the rear speakers is there is a lot of room behind the interior panel to locate extra wiring/crossover boxes.
  Clio 172 Cup
Good thing about the rear speakers is there is a lot of room behind the interior panel to locate extra wiring/crossover boxes.
I presume the rears are co-ax speakers, is it worth replacing with them with components - if so any idea of where to locate the tweeters?
  BMW M135i
Yep there coxials, not worth replacing with components. I've done it because I got bored one saturday afternoon and its not worth the hassle for the small (if any) sound improvement.
  Clown Car
I just replaced all the standard speakers with Infinity Kappa 52.7i co-ax, they make a big difference with regards to sound quality and clarity over the standard speakers, even better with a aftermarket H/U.
