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recommend me a laptop for £600-700

  Scirocco GT 2.0
I would recommend one of these:

I wouldn't touch a HP product, they are always crap in my experience working in the IT Sector.

We have hundreds of Acer laptops at work and some of them are coming up for 4 years old and haven't missed a beat, despite being used all day every day, in and out of their bag all the time.

Although, you can get a decent Acer laptop for less.. take a look the others on that website.

Interesting, we have had nothing but issues with Acer (desktops) but all our HP stuff has been solid.

Samsung range are quite descent too.




ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I've always been of the impression Acer stuff is cheap tat, and my HP has been fine, I've had it 4ish years now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Too many
Seems a lot to spend on a laptop for schoolwork. The average £300 laptop would be more than capable of dealing with day to day usage!
  Suzuki Swift Sport
If you are going to spend that much what about the bit extra and get a Macbook Air or entry level Pro, you can get education discounts on them which make them a bit cheaper. Only laptop i've had with proper build quality.
  Lotus Elise
If you are going to spend that much what about the bit extra and get a Macbook Air or entry level Pro, you can get education discounts on them which make them a bit cheaper. Only laptop i've had with proper build quality.

Far too heavy and expensive and break. No thanks.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I wouldn't ever get a HP again after the Pavillion that I bought 2 years ago with that budget. Not a fan. Ridiculously hot, noisy and actaully quite slow.
  Lotus Elise
Macbook air is not heavy.

Breaks? Depending on how you look after it.

Expensive, agree with you there. But you are used to this, you drive a Porsche :p

Air is very heavy when compared to various rivals! I don't waste my money on needlessly expensive computers so I can afford a Porsche ;)
I suppose, if I lived in Birmingham I would rather have and would do, a Nissan GTR :D

Not a waste of money, I work in IT and I know what stuff is a waste of money (Mac Mini and Marriage :p )


  Audi TT Stronic
There are plenty of good laptop manufacturers out there, Acer is not one of them. Their CEO even went on record describing their products as "cheap crap".

Sony, Dell, Lenovo.. heck I even came across a really good Samsung laptop recently (750GB, i5 3rd Gen, 6GB Ram for £400) I wouldn't have an Acer if you gave me it for free. Seriously!.
