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Removal of Cup Spoiler B/light ?


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
Hey guys, again I have splashed out £160 for a cup spoiler for the second time now! :dapprove: Knew I should have kept my last one!

Anyhow, I will need to respray this one, so I want to remove the actual light cluster for access, Is this possible?

If so, How?

Also, I have ordered a fabia splitter. How do these fit? iirc the 1.2 had clips & around 4-6 screws? My 172 doesn't have a splitter, so will I need to buy some screws?

  BG 182
I'm pretty sure the light just prises out, but be careful, others have chipped theirs in the process.

Rhe splitter just needs a good few self tapping screws through it to hold it in.
