The other day i was checking my tyre pressure at my local garage when i came into a bit of a problem with my front right tyre rather than pump up it decided to keep deflating.
I tried the other tyres again to see if there was something wrong with the pump but all was fine.
I sat there for a while F in and cursing coz i had a flat tyre and the machine refused to work when i kept trying it, also tried the flat tyre only option coz that was the only way i could get air to come out of the machine on that wheel, and all that kept doing was pumping air in the tyre would inflate a little then instantly de-flate...
As you can imagine i was feeling pretty pissed, i thought there must be a problem with the valve or something so i decided to give the Renault assistance a call.
they wouldnt come out to me unless i paid a call out fee of £95 but if i wanted i could upgrade my cover for 1 year for a small fee of £50 so that it would cover me for tyres......WTF"!!!!!!
The woman on the phone kept going on about using the spare wheel i told her i aint got one, she then told me to use the tyre inflate to which i replied NO! and explained why....... she then told me that the delear should have told me about this when i got the car which he never did.....
I basically ended that call very very annoyed called the AA out on my own cover he came fixed the problem, i told him about what had happened and he couldnt believe it.
This happened to anyone else? I still have not taken this up with the delear but will do soon........