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Renault Clio Dynamique Billabong Clutch

I'm looking for my first car and I absolutely love the Clio!
I went and had a look at one today and when I went behind the wheel to feel the pedals the clutch felt really heavy, the man there said all Clio's have heavy clutches, however, my driving instructors car is a Clio (I think?) and the clutch is really easy to use. His is a diesel if that makes a difference?
Is this common for a Clio? The car I looked at was a 2003 and has done 58,000 miles - if that makes a difference to the clutch?

If this is the case, is a Clio a good first car for a 17 year old? Is it easy to get used to?

  Meg R26 + Mk4 GTTDI
The clutch on my 03 DCI80 Billabong was pretty heavy tbh. No idea if it's normal or not but didn't give me any bother at all.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
They shouldn't be mega heavy feeling. If they are it is probably due to a worn pressure plate.


ClioSport Club Member
i would imagine your instructors car is probably fairly new and will be one of the models with a hydraulic clutch which are a doddle to use, going from one of them to an older mk2 clio will make the clutch feel quite heavy, try and compair it to another model of similar age, as if its excessively heavy, then as Mick says above
