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Renault f*cked my clio!


Booked my 172 into the local Renault garage to sort out a couple of little problems before my warranty runs out (slight bubble/pop from exhaust, rubbing noise from behind steering wheel & car fails to start 1st time if it hasnt been turned over for a few hours).

Any how, ive just had a phone call from their services manager, they ran an ecu upgrade on my car and now they cant start it at all!

They also said i they werent sure where i stood with warranty as its an import. However it states on their computer records its still under warranty as the original owner paid extra for the 3yr warranty pack. As far as im concerned it hasnt missed a service and its still under warranty.

Gonna kick off if its not sort by tomorrow (at no cost to me). Unless they wanna offer me a new 182 trophy :)
  Street Triple R

Renault are the probably (if not the) worst dealers in the UK, they make great cars, but awful service and after sales etc, if it wasnt for the fact the cars are so good there is no way id have another

saying that i have just been to look at a Trophy lol

Well they finally got my car to start and then told me they need to book it in again ASAP as they still couldnt find what was causing the start-up problem... plus they didnt even have time to look at the rubbing noise from behind the steering wheel and the bubbling noise from the exhaust as they spent all day trying to get my car to start again.

Apparently, even though my car is still under warranty and hasnt missed a service, the guy at the service desk reckons Renault may want me to pay toward the repair costs as my cars an import, surely this is bull sh!t!!! they think the problems with some expensive part (didnt say what part or even give me a jobsheet saying what theyve done to it so far). ive told them to get it sorted and if theres any costs to me (from renalut) i deal with that then!

Anyone on here work for renault? Is this normal practice for Renault or they just trying it on? Or anyone had a similar experience? If so please let me know where i stand as i cant beleive this is right!

if they try to charge you tell them to go jump. and take it to trading standards, you have a 3 yr warrenty no matter if you car is an import or not as it has been payed for
  Audi A3 TDI 170 B.E.

rubbing noise from behind steering wheel

I had this problem on my imported 172 Mk1, when I turned the steering wheel it was as if a bearing had collapsed and was very notchy.

Replaced, BUT had to pay 40% of final cost as warranty was out. Total cost was about £400 from whhat I can remember.

I had a mate who worked in sales at renault and he seemed to think that Reg Vardy UK didnt touch imports on warranty matters but i personally think thats BULL, Surely reg vardy bill renault for anything that breakes under warrenty, otherwise they would be bancrupt by now surely? Hell i dont know though.
  Golf Mk6 Oil Burner

^^ that gets me too. why would a dealer be funny about warranty work on an import, surely they bill reno directly ?! Anybody going to a dealer for warranty work are surely GIVING THEM BUSINESS ?!
  GDI ???BHP Cliosport172

This is one of the main reasons i try my hardest not to take it to a Renault garage if something goes wrong because even if you tell them what is wrong they STILL insist on you bringing it in first so they can look at it then you have to wait another couple of weeks before they can fit you in. :mad:

kick off on the renaultsport problems they have someone keeps an eye on complaints over there, not sure if its just show for prespective buyers or not


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel

I work for renault (sales though, so dont shoot the messenger) but imports are a real grey area. the thing is, all renaults only have a 1 year warranty, then when renault uk import them, they put the extra two years on them, which makes the standard 3yr warranty. If it was imported by somebody else (grey import) then its up to them to extend the warranty, and renault uk are obliged to do nothing.
  54 astravan 1.7tdci

i took my 2003 1.2 16v into lookers chester because the engine management light was on,they told me a spark plug had gone but because they didnt know which one the had to replace all 4 at my exspense(wtf) so pulled out the dealers and my car was only firing on three i called the aa that night and the fella worked out which spark plug was f**ked by process of elmination(not rocket science). so i took my car back the next and the bird on the counter got all i told her the car was alright before i took it there give her the keys and told her to sort it ,,,,,result 4 new spark plugs. they are trained to get rid of you.

dont take sh*t of renault dealers

[Edited by pete savill on 14 August 2005 at 3:00pm]

Chris0182... the garage i took my car to was a Renalut Reg Vary dealer too! Because they could find any details of my car by its reg they checked the V.I.Number and the renault database confirmed the car was an import and still under warranty until Nov05... which is what i was told when i bought the car.

The service desk guy told me "the mechanic thinks the problems with this particular expensive part and only the senior mechanic can authorise a replacement, who happend to be on holiday. If this part needs to be replaced then Vardys would invoice Renault and Renault would probably ask me to contribute towards the costs as its an import".

After looking through the service & warranty booklet it states the all non-wear and tear parts are covered by the warranty providing the damage wasnt caused by abuse, modifications/tampering or missing a service.

Its booked in for the work at the start of the month... well see what happens!


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel

Quote: Originally posted by pete savill on 14 August 2005

i took my 2003 1.2 16v into lookers chester because the engine management light was on,they told me a spark plug had gone but because they didnt know which one the had to replace all 4 at my exspense(wtf) so pulled out the dealers and my car was only firing on three i called the aa that night and the fella worked out which spark plug was f**ked by process of elmination(not rocket science). so i took my car back the next and the bird on the counter got all i told her the car was alright before i took it there give her the keys and told her to sort it ,,,,,result 4 new spark plugs. they are trained to get rid of you.

dont take sh*t of renault dealers

[Edited by pete savill on 14 August 2005 at 3:00pm]

if they give you any crap just mention small claims court. They have a legal obligation to sort EU cars. I laugh at renault when they say about mine been an import. Its imported from FRANCE FFS!!!

Quote: Originally posted by preecy on 14 August 2005

Chris0182... the garage i took my car to was a Renalut Reg Vary dealer too! Because they could find any details of my car by its reg they checked the V.I.Number and the renault database confirmed the car was an import and still under warranty until Nov05... which is what i was told when i bought the car.

The service desk guy told me "the mechanic thinks the problems with this particular expensive part and only the senior mechanic can authorise a replacement, who happend to be on holiday. If this part needs to be replaced then Vardys would invoice Renault and Renault would probably ask me to contribute towards the costs as its an import".

Hmmm on holiday till november then?

Definately trying to fob you off, there is no way that a part for your car can only be authorised by one mechanic there.

What would they do when hes off, sit around waiting for him to return?
