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Rough running when cold

  Land Rover
I have a new problem on my Clio 182, well it might be normal looking at old posts.
On cold starts the engine is lumpy as if firing on three cylinders which is probably what’s happening
It drives OK not quite as smooth as if it’s running rich?
After about half a mile it settles down and is alright.
The thing is it didn’t seem to do it before the gearbox was repaired
Is there anything l could check? On an old post new spark plugs are suggested
The car is remapped and has an induction system and Janspeed exhaust.
But l don’t remember it doing this before.
  Land Rover
Can someone advise on the best spark plugs to fit? It can’t be a bad thing to change them anyway.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Mines the same, but not everytime. Pops and bangs too for a few minutes then it's fine.

I've got a lambda to replace but don't know If that's my problem
  dan's cast offs.
Pull plugs and check them, could be a duff injector. Had that a few times and it does seem like a cold start issue.

Was it mapped by Chris?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Mines been like that for as long as I can remember.
It’s a nightmare to drive for the first couple of minutes, throttle is all over the place.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I replaced the inlet gasket and the pre cat 02 (good second hand) which helped. I did notice mine ran better from cold with none premium fuel. May have just been in my head.

Also I did offten sit for a minute and then go, was fine then.
  Land Rover
RS tuning remap by a previous owner earlier this year.

But l had the cam belt changed at Birchdown and they found that the cam timing was not correct, so it probably needs re doing on the rolling road now.
Although it drives very well in fact much better since the cam belt was done.
  dan's cast offs.
only seen one person mention Lambda sensor, what is fuel usage like atm?
If High, switch front lambda with rear, ignore waring light and see if it stops doing it.....

Doesn't run on lambda on cold start, can't remember exact temp it starts on standard map?

My money would still be on an injector.
  PH2 172
I would not speculate on any possible causes until I had conducted a compression test.

I was very happy with these readings at approaching 130k miles.

18-09-09 CYL 1 compression.jpg18-09-09 CYL 2 compression.jpg18-09-09 CYL 3 compression.jpg18-09-09 CYL 4 compression.jpg
  Land Rover
That’s pretty much perfect.

It’s only a lumpy idle when cold, off idle it’s fine even when cold and once warm idles steadily at just under 1,000 rpm.

It’s only that the idle was not lumpy even when cold until it went back for the gearbox, although l noticed that the cold idle speed is now about 1,100rpm where before it was about 1,500
  Land Rover
Hmmm......used the car today and it seems to be OK now
Maybe it was because it hadn’t been driven for nearly three weeks.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Mien doesn't so it very morning. Usually happens when I leave work. I'm thinking because it's only a short journey to work in the morning?
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
My 172 was the same, I would need to allow the engine to warm for a good few minutes before moving off, once up to temp it always pulled like a train and never skipped a beat in 40,000 miles.

Interestingly, my MX-5 idles high on cold start for the first minute or so before the revs drop off and you can drive the car. I'm sure its all to do with emissions regulations.
  Land Rover
Mine seem OK now, well for a Clio 182 anyway
8deg C this morning and ran fine, idle a bit lumpy for a mile or so but no hesitation and drove great.


ClioSport Club Member
Mine is the same however not nearly as bad (by the sounds of it?) Lumpy idle when cold, you can actually hear the car settle after a minute or two of warming up, then all goes smooth - well smooth for a Clio. Unless the car is actually misfiring I suspect they are all like it to a certain degree.

Did you change engine mounts/gearbox etc when the gearbox was out?


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Mine is the same however not nearly as bad (by the sounds of it?) Lumpy idle when cold, you can actually hear the car settle after a minute or two of warming up, then all goes smooth - well smooth for a Clio. Unless the car is actually misfiring I suspect they are all like it to a certain degree.

Did you change engine mounts/gearbox etc when the gearbox was out?
My 182's always been lumpy on idle when cold and I've had it from new ( 12 and half years ) the 172 had from new before that was just the same. It's idles just above 1000rpm but like @Touring_Rob says you can hear it and see it settle if I sit and let it warm up for a few minutes. It seems to be a characteristic of the 1*2 engines. If you check back through the forum you'll find posts from Donkeys years ago about lumpy idle.
It does seem to make a difference if the outside temp is cold .
@Landyman 1500rpm you mentioned is quite high , 1100rpm is about the same as mine in cold weather if the cars been standing for a day or so.
Maybe get a video next time you think it's idling strangely .
  Land Rover
I found the cause, there’s an air pipe attached to the intake below the injection module and it had come off, it was just hanging down on top of the exhaust manifold.
  PH2 172
I found the cause, there’s an air pipe attached to the intake below the injection module and it had come off, it was just hanging down on top of the exhaust manifold.

The ticking noise you will now hear will be the carbon canister, not a tappet.
  Rusty Cup
My 172 Cup was really bad when cold on its old engine almost underivable for the first 3 mins. But on the new engine its fine. My thoughts are its ignition related ( i appreciate this could relate to a whole host of components ) Or its timing related as other have suggested in previous threads.

It seems to be a crazy common issue with 1*2's seems odd there isnt a solid fix for this problem.
