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Router/Networking/Printer H E L P!

  Clio 197
Evening all. :)

I've got two almost identical wireless routers:

One connected to the ADSL downstairs (new, bought today)

One connected to my printer (via ethernet cable) upstairs (old, works fine).

I can talk to each router individually via my own wireless card.

I've enabled the "bridge" function on the ADSL router. The print router doesn't have that function.

I assume I can connect to the print router Via my ADSL router?

Now, what on earth do I need to to to find my printer's address? :S


  Clio 172mk2
at a gues set to printserver one to link to the new one , and the pcs to only use the new one
  Clio 197
There's something wrong with the "bridge".

One router supports bridging, the other doesn't.

Apparently I may be able to get hacked firmware to do this. :S
