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Sabelt Cruise control bracket & other sport wheels


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I like that.

Not having the buttons is the only thing currently putting me off getting a new, smaller wheel.
Cheers guys, if anyone is game to try one I can tailor to suit any arrangement and also add space for having the horn in there too.

Inspiration came from the layout of a Clio cup steering wheel, I drew this up and it suits the wheel very well


ClioSport Club Member
I keep looking at this! I really like its design.

If I was to get another 1*2 with cruise control I'd defo have a smaller wheel knowing you can make these to tailor the wheel of choice.

Have you sourced buttons to suit? If so, pics?
I keep looking at this! I really like its design.

If I was to get another 1*2 with cruise control I'd defo have a smaller wheel knowing you can make these to tailor the wheel of choice.

Have you sourced buttons to suit? If so, pics?

I have ordered a load of these ones, to sort of match the blue suede, but of course I can get them in a range of colours!
  Volvo S40
Looks amazing! Literally just purchased a sabelt wheel and not looking forward to losing CC so count me in too! :up:
Thanks guys, will know price for certain next week, will be nice to get a bit of mileage done testing it on the motor way so I can make any little changes it may need for functionality!
Ball park figure about £30, that should be either plug and play or just 2 wires to solder.. Will keep you all posted on this thread :)
Oo and any suggestions please let me know, button colour preference, material colour etc.
Me likely :smile:

Saw this on Facebook, looks awesome mate. Really impressed that people are coming up with such a pro looking set up!

any idea on price yet?

Count me in [emoji106]

Looks amazing! Literally just purchased a sabelt wheel and not looking forward to losing CC so count me in too! :up:
how about two horn buttons on the top, one on each side?
Yeap definitely, will make it easier than retro fitting the horn stalk

Any suggestions like this are really helpful, button colour, material colour etc. Maybe some clio cup cryptic etching like pit/intercom etc just for fun!
This little one in particular is clear acrylic with a black coating, gives the nice effect when etched but still has lovely clear polished edges. Black buttons too definitely, also can do solid black acrylic so the etching will be visable but very subtle again!
Personally if it was my car i'd just go for black as I like subtle but obviously everyone is different.

Was going to say black for subtle-ness as well as the bracket has the markings etched next to the buttons anyway.
Definitely, just awaiting my boss to see whats included to be honest with you, this plate is 3mm but may need to be 5mm. Then longer screws will definitely be needed!
  Megane 250
As mentioned in your thread I'd be up for one of these, PM me when your selling them if I don't see, it's the only thing stopping me from buying a sabelt wheel.

I like the idea of the horn on it too! Saves swapping stalks.
Its not that thick. I can bring my vernier caliper home and measure tomorrow evening if you want? I have a momo boss.

Would measure it myself but I wont see it until Thursday. I think my boss is a sabelt.. Your probably right in saying they need longer bolts, id imagine they go flush to the mounting plate
Should have some updates today guys, thanks for the patience! Engine build took a bit of attention at the weekend!
you really should put a kit together for this. what boss does the sabelt wheel use as ive got an omp one at the mo?
  182 Trophy
Following this with interest! Great idea and look forward to seeing the outcome. The option of different coloured buttons is a good move too. Personally i'd like black and red (to suit the Trophy).
