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Samsung tocco (f480) best price off line ?

Bro's gf wants one, best in a shop is £350.00 cheapest online so far is £315.00

She just wants the phone apparently (if it's a crap phone fair do's, it's what she wants)

Apart from her going on ebay, where else is there ?

  Mito Sportiva 135
Don't understand why anyone would pay for the phone outright when for a tiny bit more you would get loads of calls and texts included...sod paying £300 for a handset!
  Mito Sportiva 135
yep, agreed. It's what she wants though, women pfffttt !!

Couldn't you persuade her Cat?

£300 or thereabouts for a phone with no calls. Say an average spend of £20 per month that would be £240 a year, or £360 for 18 months, a total of £660.

18 x £30 = £540 but that would sort her out call and text wise, and wouldn't have to pay for it all up front actually works out cheaper by £120 and you get more for your money going on contract...
  Clio 172mk2
my mates same paid 400 for a n95 when they first came out , it was cheaper with a 12month contract , but he still wouldnt yet tops up 20 a month on payg.

ebay u might find the fone cheaper, but its finding a trust worthy seller
It makes no sense to me either. It's what she wants to do, i'll let her get on with it, she's not my GF.
I've no idea, my bro text me to see about it, I thought i'd ask on here. I assumed that his gf had looked at prices (he said in the text the prices she'd got so far)
