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Samsung Tocco

  White APE
Anyone got one?

I just picked one up today as an ungrade. So far i like it, just bloody wierd chaning over to touch screen.
  White APE
Sorry, yea thats the one. Think it only came out the other day.

Just wondering if anyone else has one and how they get on with it.
  White APE
Yea, it is on Orange, i was with vody but they switched me over. So new fone, better contract for no xtra money.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Which deals have you seen posted? I saw it on the Racoon tariff but I am on Dolphin...which is £30 for 600 minutes and unlimited texts I think?
  White APE
Panther i think. £45 a month, 1200 mins and unlimited txts

i was paying £40pm for 500mins and unlimited txts so its no bad imo.

just checked and i got the panther 45 which states 1200mins, 500 txts but i got unlimited txts with mine.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Not bad, but I never even use the 600 minutes as it is so it's good for me. Think I can upgrade on the 16th this month so hopefully be able to get the Tocco then, looks a good alternative to the iPhone I think.
  White APE
Yea, I use txts more then anything but i have been known to rack up rediculous ammounts of calls sometimes and that gets expensive when you go over your limit. Usually a women is envolved somewhere too. LOL

Never used an iPhone before but this seems to be a good little phone. The drag and drop function is quite nifty with the little widget bar.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeah to me seems to be a good alternative to the iPhone. Sounds stupid but don't want to be seen as one of those annoying people sitting in the pub showing off my iPod "oh wow you have an iPod" "yes, that's right, look at all this cool stuff I can do!" ;) This looks a bit more under the radar and hopefully most people don't know what it is, just a nice sleek phone with touch screen and good camera and functionality.
