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Screaming 182??

  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
Hi all

I'm hoping that someone on the forum can help me before I take my 182 cup to the dealers for diagnosis.

When accelerating hard, as soon as the engine reaches approx 4800rpm, I get a screeching sound which continues until I either run out of revs, ease my foot off the accelerator or change gear. It is most noticable in 2nd 3rd and 4th gears as these are the gears that I accereate hardest in. I cannot tell where the sound is coming from, but with the seats folded down (on way to the tip), it appeared to be coming from the middle to rear of the car, although I'm not sure. It is even louder with the windows down and I suspect that people would definately hear it as I pass by (Not a very cool sound when burning off Mr Chav in his 'turbo charged' SRI vauxhall chavalier)

Obviously, as it only occurs from 4800rpm upwards, I dont realy want some grease monkey spanking the crap out of my car over and over again.

I may be able to post up an mp3 file of the screech but not sure about the quality of such a recording.

I would describe the screech as similar to a wheel bearing on its last legs or worn out office fan (use your imagination here:S )

Any help or advice greatly appreciated ( I'm hoping it is a common problem easily rectified!!)

  from Trophy 2 work van :(
Have a look underneath, you may have an illegal immigrant under there and he may not like it when you go too fast!!!! :coffee:
  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
Dan 172 said:
Sounds like the centre section of the exhaust, they are rubbish!

I just had a blue flame exhaust fitted and the screeching sound was present both before and after fitment?????

I've just recorded a couple of sound clips which I will attempt to upload (fingers crossed):)
  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
Danlp6 said:
sounds like the cat - manifold joint has come loose and is blowing. mine did this.

Did yours do it in the same circumstances as mine, ie, after 4800rpm on hard acceleration????
  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
The files I want to upload are wma not mp3 but I dont think the forum allows this format; anyone know where I could host them and then provide a link?????

Cheers peeps
  MY10 R35 GTR
Bandit32 said:
Did yours do it in the same circumstances as mine, ie, after 4800rpm on hard acceleration????

errrr, never really looked to see what rpm it started doing it at. I have a look the nite and see.
My 172 does this after about 6500 rpm - I've been wondering if I should do something about it! (It's actually quite a handy audible "time to change gear" warning noise ;) )

Now someone has said it might be the exhaust that makes sense to me as I think it must have started after I had the rear section of my exhaust changed. I'd certainly never noticed it until after that, but I can't remember if it started around that time or some time after then really...

As you say, only does it on hard accelleration - if you ease off and sit steady at high rpm it stops.

What can I easily check myself?
  BMW M3
I has a hissing on load in mine. I couldnt find the prob for ages and turned out to be the clamp between the cat and backbox. Some of them dont secure tight enough. Might be work checking that.
  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
Justin182 said:
I has a hissing on load in mine. I couldnt find the prob for ages and turned out to be the clamp between the cat and backbox. Some of them dont secure tight enough. Might be work checking that.

Did you just tighten the clamp?? or did it need replacing??
  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
MrMark said:
could it be the alternator belt slipping?

It does sort of sound like that, but sounds more likely to be the exhaust/cat/manifold joints I think.

I could post up some wma files of the noise, but don't know where to host them. Any ideas peeps???
