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Seat Creak Fix!

  1998 BMW e46 323i
My driver's seat used to creak summit rotten. I traced the noise to a piece of trim fixed to the right hand side of the seat. When driving if I put my fingers between the seat and this trim, which hurt a bit, the creak stopped.

Was on my way to ASDA at the time, and at the till I found a children's ball for sale. Size of an apple and bright pink - a cross between those pink stress heads busy office types have on their desks and a bouncy ball. I squeezed the ball in between the seat and the trim and for the last few months it's been as quiet as a mouse.

I'll try and post a picture to explain.

Nice one mate i might give that go as reno have has my 182 in twice and cant seem to fix the creak in my drivers seat!
