Well today's job was getting my misanos in my new clio. Done the passenger side nice and easy in the morning, but a bit of work was needed on the drivers side. I'm 6'5 and I was never satisfied with how low they were, so as the subframe was bent anyway after my last clio being written off I got my brother to modify it! After straightening it out we cut and welded in so that its about an inch lower than normal. Shame I didn't take a photo of the finished thing but it didn't exactly look that great anyway. Couldn't be bothered to repaint it etc.
Anyway, the difference it has made is massive. I feel so short all of a sudden! and have a good couple of inches headroom now.
Here are the pics: (all from my n95 i'm afraid)
Anyway, the difference it has made is massive. I feel so short all of a sudden! and have a good couple of inches headroom now.
Here are the pics: (all from my n95 i'm afraid)