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Seriously could do with some advice as garage is not helpfull

  renault clio DCI
Hi guys, any help for be valuable, due to my 2002 clio dci [65]
Recently i had my turbo replaced due to was blowing black smoke, also wanted my coolant change.
3 days later my water pump was leaking (just pouring out). So they fixed the water pump and new cam belt as was contaminated. Topping the car bill this time to £1k

As had new turbo was starting the car and leaving it running for minute so oil can heat up and leaving minute to cool down after. So havnt ragged the car at all.

(Year go had my glow plugs changed, they snapped off whilst removing them. so they fixed the header along wig fitting a new head gasket, new injector and new glow plugs, and cam belt, this was 800£)


Since having the turbo and water pump fixed.

Been driving at roads limits and low rev gear changes. So the new turbo doesn't get ****ed.
Whilst leaving it idle fore and after a drive.

Been 2weeks since that was fixed and then went for a long drive to give the car a nice long run in as been stood for a month.

And the other day the car wouldn't start and AA man just jiggled the crank señor and hey it's been fine.

Until Whilst driving all going well, 1/2 way the coil/ warning light cam on, and that was it. Stop and it wouldn't go away so carried on and no other lights cam on, sounded a bit different. Running a rough sound. Ever since it started in morning however struggled for 5 seconds but will start

Now started my car this morning struggled a bit and blew bit of smoke out, but whilst driving notice that was blowing white smoke out now. And after all this work done in the last12 months I'm stumped.

Need so e advice,because I have no clue what it is, I thort it might of been just a dirty crank señor so was going to clean that to day until notice all the smoke and don't think it would be a dirty senor now.

Please need some advice cos very close to taking a sledge hammer to the f>€$ing think

Took it go garage and they said, after leavening it running for while car didn't smoke much only on start up, however taking it tot he garage this morning, I showed my friend what I was talking about and it was smoking, press on the accelerator and more smoke came out, drove it for a bit and it slightly lessened .

Now here are the fault they gave me

Df111 - a/c cold loop replay circuit malfunction ( I don't have air con on this clio)
Df116 - camshaft sensor incorrect signal
Df023 - flywheel sensor circuit malfunction
Df084 - EGR valve position sensor circuit malfunction
Df102 - cylinder 4 injection circuit malfunction

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
Egnore AC!
Cam shaft position sensor is for the pump timing (timing set wrong will throw up error codes )
crank is the crank sensor( they get dirty with metal parts from the clutch/flywheel )
egr , whip it out and give it a good clean ( in two parts, solenoid and actual body )
injector could be stuck if it's been sat around. So whack some diesel cleaner through half a tank


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
The coil light comes on often with an EGR fault however it can come on for a whole variety of reasons.

As you've worked out, ignore the first one.

In the SH of my red DCI they replaced the crank sensor due to it not starting. Common problem and a new one comes with new wiring loom.

EGR fault shouldn't stop the car running. EGR could be the smoke on start up. By driving it slowly you could be clogging up the EGR valve. I drive mine flat out fairly often and clean it every 10k, never is clogged really.

Cylinder 4 may put the car in limp mode.

I would focus on the 2 sensor faults first as they can stop injection.

Some real experts will be along shortly I'm sure!
