Audi TT Stronic
Started not long ago at a new place, and I'm just now getting round to sorting the server room. Basically its a dog's breakfast of a nightmare !
Anyone ever done a complete rebuild of multiple racks with multiple servers, ip phone networks, UPS power systems.
I will be working just after christmas day when everyone else is on holiday so will have a 2 day window where I can pretty much take it all offline.
Any tips/products to make my life easier ? what about cabling redundancy so people don't have to ad-hoc new connections in the future thereby keeping it tidy ?
Anyone ever done a complete rebuild of multiple racks with multiple servers, ip phone networks, UPS power systems.
I will be working just after christmas day when everyone else is on holiday so will have a 2 day window where I can pretty much take it all offline.
Any tips/products to make my life easier ? what about cabling redundancy so people don't have to ad-hoc new connections in the future thereby keeping it tidy ?