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setting up nokia e90 for emails

any ideas on how to allow the nokia e90 to receive emails instantly? at the moment my father can send them, but to check his email he has to go to the hotmail website, click on sign in, get into the inbox and check them from there.

obv with most smart phones you can set it up (like my BB) to receive instant notice of an email, just like a text or MMS.

any ideas would be great appreciated as Orange are funking useless and usually closed or systems down!

On my E91 i have noika mail.

Sends it all straight from my blueyonder mail account straight to my phone.

Same as the blackberry i tried works.
hi tom, cheers, re the nokia site i have been on there but it will not allow for an msn address. . . . ???

i have tried it both ways, through the nokia messenger settings/sign up and through the phone guide . . . it always says that it does not recognise the address??

and yet with my blackberry, i have two msn addresses and both work just fine??

shed any light on that at all lad?



  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
Blackberry works with hotmail/msn, why doesnt nokia??? my mates iphone wouldnt work with it either
i went to downloads today and then applications on my n96

download windows live messenger and it automatically set up my hotmail account for recieving emails on fone?

as far as i am aware everybody told me you can only get this if you pay? but they said when i clicked agree in the terms and conditions that its free at the moment and they'll ntoify me when charging comes into play?

i now recieve all my emails on the fone as and when they come.. lets see how long my battery lasts hey.. lol
