I've been meaning to make a proper progress thread for ages now, so thought I might aswell create my progress thread. I bought the car in 2009 , 52 Plate 1.2 Expression...
Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures from when I first bought it, to be honest I didn't really intend on modifying this car I was going to keep it standard for a year or two then get something decent but anyways,
-16" Pro Race 1.2s
-172 Rear Bumper
-Custom Rear Springs
All comments welcome!
Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures from when I first bought it, to be honest I didn't really intend on modifying this car I was going to keep it standard for a year or two then get something decent but anyways,
-16" Pro Race 1.2s
-172 Rear Bumper
-Custom Rear Springs
All comments welcome!
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