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Slammed Clio

I've been meaning to make a proper progress thread for ages now, so thought I might aswell create my progress thread. I bought the car in 2009 , 52 Plate 1.2 Expression...

Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures from when I first bought it, to be honest I didn't really intend on modifying this car I was going to keep it standard for a year or two then get something decent but anyways,


-16" Pro Race 1.2s
-172 Rear Bumper
-Custom Rear Springs

All comments welcome!
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Ha! I know it's very high at the moment, but the coilovers are going to be getting fitted along with custom rear springs.
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  bg 182
why don't you put your pennies into the bank and then buy a better car when you are older? i can never understand why people put money into 1lt, 1.1, 1.2s etc
  bg 182
The same reason people put money into any car.

yeah but surely it would make more sense putting money into something that would help hold its value, im not having a go people can do what they want with there car, just never really thought there is much point when you get very little gains, financially and performance wise, granted the coilovers will help the ride, dependant on what make etc just personally would save up for a ph1 less money spent more money saved...

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
why don't you put your pennies into the bank and then buy a better car when you are older? i can never understand why people put money into 1lt, 1.1, 1.2s etc

hope that excludes dCi's ;)

people spend money on there pride and joys cus they want to. you must of spent a few bob on your toy in your time of ownership.
  bg 182
hope that excludes dCi's ;)

people spend money on there pride and joys cus they want to. you must of spent a few bob on your toy in your time of ownership.

on my 1st car which was an astra mk4 sxi, just bought some vauxhall tigra alloys £150 and an exhaust as the previous decided to fall off, then just saved up, and got the 182, even that i havent spend much money on. granted if i had the money to buy what i want that would be a different matter, like i said people can do what they want personally save up for bigger and better things.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
How is this thread any different to any of the other project threads you've made?

Or any of the other marque threads you've started about what car you're getting next?

Or any other thread that you've started for that matter?
  1.2 Mk2 Clio P1
yeah but surely it would make more sense putting money into something that would help hold its value, im not having a go people can do what they want with there car, just never really thought there is much point when you get very little gains, financially and performance wise, granted the coilovers will help the ride, dependant on what make etc just personally would save up for a ph1 less money spent more money saved...

Pretty stupid thing to say imo. Why shouldn't people (including myself) put money into our cars if we want to, even if they are only 1.2's?

I'd rather spend ~£1k on my Clio getting up to something that I love to drive and look at rather then sitting in something that I'm potentially unhappy with just so I can save up the large sum of money needed to purchase and insure a 182, 172 etc.

For me in my current situation at age 17 I'd need to save for a very long time to be able to get a 182 and more importantly to insure it. So why not splash some cash on your current pride and joy to make it something that you love, rather than just thinking everyday "must not spend money so I can get a better car in a few years time.."

Might be fine for you but for others who don't have the money or just don't want something else then all the power to them! Go ahead and do whatever you want, because you can.
  clio 172
ive never bought a car on the idea i can get my money back i dont care about resale so i say crack on mate were not stosh with our cash ;) mines deffo worth less ahahha but its mine and i want it as it is anyway good luck with the plans mate
  bg 182
each to their own, lets agree on that then, best of luck to you mate and apologise for taking up you threat with a slight slagging match lol ill be more constructive and say that personally as i like a clean look to a car so id remove the rear tints. If thats ok with everyone.
It will hopefully be getting coilovers fitted in the next month or so, along with custom springs, It's just finding the time.

The current Alloys are TD Sword's, which I can't stand! I'm looking at getting 16" Pro Race 1.2s.

@BlackCarbon, Yeah I'm thinking about taking the tints off but I'm unsure to be honest because I had the roof sprayed Gloss Black, But I'll get some better pictures tomorrow.

I had a photoshop done -



ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
How is this thread any different to any of the other project threads you've made?

Or any of the other marque threads you've started about what car you're getting next?

Or any other thread that you've started for that matter?


Why didn't you update that thread?




You owe me 2 minutes of my life, if only scrolling back up was going back in time......

Why didn't you update that thread?




You owe me 2 minutes of my life, if only scrolling back up was going back in time......

I've not been on here in a while, let alone owned a Clio for a good few years but this place never changes! :p

Maybe just maybe the OP might actually update a thread if he/she didn't think they were going to get b*tched and moaned at every time they post a thread to let the 'community' put some positive, helpful or even just general interest into it. IF by the end of the first post you think its not going to be a thread you would want to waste your time reading then don't read it let alone take your time to make some narky comment

So what if its not a 1*2 or whatever! (yes i know this is cliosport but there is plenty of base models on here) Each to their own and if the OP feels they want to put money into the current car they own why shouldn't they?
It'll give them some experience in the future when the time does come to upgrade at the very least! ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects
I've not been on here in a while, let alone owned a Clio for a good few years but this place never changes! :p

Maybe just maybe the OP might actually update a thread if he/she didn't think they were going to get b*tched and moaned at every time they post a thread to let the 'community' put some positive, helpful or even just general interest into it. IF by the end of the first post you think its not going to be a thread you would want to waste your time reading then don't read it let alone take your time to make some narky comment

So what if its not a 1*2 or whatever! (yes i know this is cliosport but there is plenty of base models on here) Each to their own and if the OP feels they want to put money into the current car they own why shouldn't they?
It'll give them some experience in the future when the time does come to upgrade at the very least! ;)

Its got nothing to do with being a 172 or sport or non-sport in my quoted comment.

This is the second thread titled wrong with no updates, how can anyone comment positively or negatively on NOTHING. (for the second time)
Managed to get some pictures today for those who are interested, it's desperate for a clean!




As you can see it's looking rather sorry for itself at the moment, but that's all going to change within the next month or so.

I'm thinking about removing the tints and wind deflectors, whats your opinion?

All comments welcome!
  RS6 C7
Haha I think a 2 year old could paint better than that! ,

Are you the guy that was going to put a megane diesel engine in or am i confused?
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Oh also it was this guy, gave up politics to do body repair


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@Cotball, No you must be getting confused.

@Daniel/DannyR, It's getting booked into a bodyshop soon.
@DannyR, Thought it looked good at first, but once I take the tints off I will be putting it back on.
It will hopefully be getting coilovers fitted in the next month or so, along with custom springs, It's just finding the time.

The current Alloys are TD Sword's, which I can't stand! I'm looking at getting 16" Pro Race 1.2s.

@BlackCarbon, Yeah I'm thinking about taking the tints off but I'm unsure to be honest because I had the roof sprayed Gloss Black, But I'll get some better pictures tomorrow.

I had a photoshop done -


Photoshops mean f**k all. You won't be able to drive it with the front that low, I know I've been there. It will scrub on f**king everything. The rear's wont go that low unless you get some uber custom rear springs that will be hard as f**k.

I had proper FK coilovers with adjustable koni's too, none of this rokkor or raceland tat that you'll probably buy.
I also fail to see why your getting 'custom springs' with coilovers.

You don't need to do anything with the springs on coilovers to reach ' slammed clio'.
