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So I did a photoshoot yesterday... (NSFW)

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Do you think about something else then? I'd get a stonker on from being sat on a bus back in the day so I'd have no chance at standing their in front of a bird with chebs on show.

What a hobby. Certainly beats watching F1...
  Cayman S Edition 1
Do you think about something else then? I'd get a stonker on from being sat on a bus back in the day so I'd have no chance at standing their in front of a bird with chebs on show.

What a hobby. Certainly beats watching F1...
lol I'm thinking of lighting, camera settings, composition, giving the model guidance on posture.

I try to have some sort of idea before hand of what I want to shoot and then wing it;)

Never got turned on though. In fact it got to the point where I got bored of seeing boobs (yes seriously).

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
I got a few puppys on that sofa too.


Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Any more pics from previous shoots?
Thread has some potential here.

Nice sofa too
  Cayman S Edition 1
Any more pics from previous shoots?
Thread has some potential here.

Nice sofa too
Probably a good 1000+ images.

Mostly glamour, bit of latex etc.


Believe it or not, I've put a tremendous amount of time and effort in to learning photography (self taught), so genuinely take offence to people making sexual comments to the models I've photographed. I'm uploading to share some of the work I've produced, but won't set this up for the immature members to get off on it.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Gutted :(

Joking apart, I can see where are 'coming' from

On the other hand, pics are always a bonus......

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Cracking work Jay, I bought a Canon 70D almost 2 years ago but because I'm a t**t I haven't bothered reading up on how to use it.

Next month I've got a one to one day session camera lesson booked which I'm looking forward to.
  Cayman S Edition 1
Cracking work Jay, I bought a Canon 70D almost 2 years ago but because I'm a t**t I haven't bothered reading up on how to use it.

Next month I've got a one to one day session camera lesson booked which I'm looking forward to.
Thanks mate. If you ever fancy something different, book a slot in a studio day. I shat bricks the first time, but learnt a lot from the studio owner and got the bug to shoot models. It's not for everyone and you don't need fancy kit (I started out with a 600D), but it's great experience.

There's a wealth of knowledge on this forum from other photographers, so ask away. My main advice to you is to just mess with settings and styles until you find out what works for you.


ClioSport Club Member
  Cup 172
Give it a rest and go bother someone else.
Jay don't put a dampener on the thread. I don't know why you're getting offended on a forum full of guys when you're putting up half naked females?? If you don't want comments about them then don't post. It's completely different to posting landscape photos.

'Jay I'm loving the light in this one' is just not going to happen.
  RB Clio 182
Jay don't put a dampener on the thread. I don't know why you're getting offended on a forum full of guys when you're putting up half naked females?? If you don't want comments about them then don't post. It's completely different to posting landscape photos.

'Jay I'm loving the light in this one' is just not going to happen.

I agree, its like slinging a pack of lions a big fat juicy steak and saying "dont eat that boys, im taking pictures of it as its for a photoshoot".

Good skills tho.
You should have expected these kinds of comments on a car forum surely?!

Post them on talk photography, they have dedicated section for nude and glamour (if you haven't already)
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